I’m a light sleeper and I don’t know what kind of technique can go wtih light sleepers…any suggestions ?
I suggest you take a look at WBTB, especially with WILD, though with MILD can work just as well.
but in WILD i get to concentrated , and can’t sleep , MILD I never tried but thank for the advise I need to try WILD…
Perhaps you can try the WBTB method (easily wake up with an alarm).
Or, you can try MILD, I think that might be a good one.
Take a look at this link https://community.ld4all.com/t/how-to-choose-your-technique-by-treader/21732
it’s more about falling asleep fast/slow, but it might help
remember that the idea of WILD is exactly to not fall asleep you should just relax and not move, so your body falls asleep but your mind remains awake. It takes practice though.
When I’m WILDing I can’t fully relax , and get distracted … I can’t see no colors m maybe a little , someone has a really really good guide or even a video about WILDing?