Help with analysis :)

My boyfriend of 2 years and a bit broke up. were still friends, but he had this dream he told me about (and he usually doesn’t remember his dreams) that someone kidnapped me and he found the person and he was beating them with a baseball bat…

any suggestions would be great :smile:

thanks for listining

can we burn her?
</monty python>


I like python, but what does that have to do with anything?

I suppose that it’s the dream of your friend and not your’s… and so that the dream narration begins at : “He had this dream he told me about”, and not “My boyfriend of 2 years and a bit broke up”. :tongue:

It means that some incounscious and dark part of his mind, that he refuses to admit, ( everyone has one ) wants you to disappear of his life. But his conscious ego don’t. Probably, he doesn’t manage very well the fact that you still are friends after he broke up with you.

:peek: Baloogan, wake up, :wave: you are dreaming !

Hey Gothiclullaby,

I might mean that he still cares for you… and he was trying to take revenge. I guess he had a dream with heightened awarness (HAD). This means he can react to certain things happening without knowing he’s dreaming or (partly) lucid. In short, I guess he did that because he felt right about doing that at that time…


hmmm i dont remember posting that, i might have been drunk

(what the hell??W!!! i got 108 posts???..)

to me it sounds like he still cares about you and still wants to be with you … the dream to me means he is afraid of someone stealing you from him(kidknap) and so he beats up the DC with a baseball bat…
he’s got letting go issues

well that became aparent after i found someone else… now before when he hated dreaming… now he loves it… such a turn around… o well… he’s already lost me