help with dream recall..

… So, i’ve been focusing entirely on my dream recall since Sept.14, since then it’s been 19 days, and in total i have 7 dreams written down in my dream journal. Only 2-3 of which are actual FULL dreams, ones just an image:P

Basically, what else besides a DJ helps with remembering dreams, i wann make sure i remember a full dream every 2 days(on average) before i move onto things such as WILD for an actual LD.


Try repeating in your head before you go to sleep “I will remember my dreams tonight” or something of the sort.

Well, basically arch is right. Some autosuggestion could really help. I’d also concentrate on writing a DJ, and having good will.

You have also to remember that - how did you wroted, you are 16 - while going to school, you mostly arent thinking about dream.

Those 2-3 full dreams was in weekend, right ?

Anyways, try to remember at schoolweek to recall dream after waking up. If you wont do it - nothing horrible happened.

Try WILD or MILD ( i know, i just had to write it :tongue: ) during weekend, if you have a ld ( i assume , first one), im sure that you’ll remember it.

thanks a bunch, ill start trying autosuggestion, and whenever i have a dream or dreamlike experience i write it in my DJ.

Also, the full dreams i think were on weekends >.> lol

Yep, the weekends are the best time to recall dreams, because you are soooo relaxed!! I remembered 8 dreams today! :content:

You’ll also find that the more sleep you have, the more dreams you will remember. Towards the latter stages of the sleep cycle an increasing proportion of time is spent in REM sleep, so… be sure to get plenty of sleep!
Also the autosuggestions as mentioned above can be quite useful. You could also try an autosuggestion to the effect “I will awaken after each of my dreams, and will remember each one clearly”. This works well for me.