My name is Luke and I am realitivly new to this forum and I am just asking for some advice on how to increase the lucidity of my dreams. I first became intrested in LDs a few weeks ago, but I have succeded with only 1 confirmed LD since then, I have been quite intensly intrested in this topic over this period. I have Aspergers syndrome which is an autistic spectrum disorder which means I am a very concrete thinker and I can easily get obsessed with certain subjects. I have a good memory and my dream recall is better than average (I can usually remember some details from at least 1 dream per night). But when I think of lucid dreams I seem to incorporate things concerning LDs in dream but fail to get lucid and take control of the dream-e.g. I had a dream where I think I was reading literiture on LDs and even one where I was reading something wity dreams but I just don’t notice it?-I think I have had false awh the word “Lucid” in it!-but failed to change the nature of the dream!-do you think this is the right step or do you think I could be trying to hard? Also a lot of my dreams contain things that are way different from waking life but why don’t I suddenly realise its just a dream? Or mabe I may already be lucid to a degree in makening dreams in the past. (e.g. I very recently had a dream where I was riding a motorcycle though my city and fling an R/C plane) Also I went though a phase approx. 3 years ago where I had strange dreams where I felt numb all over and was bouncing off walls and I think these sometimes included false awaknings-I remember checking that I had the feeling back when I woke up (I was sometimes disturbed by them)-what where these-could these have been some sort of LD? I would really like to start having more LDs anyone think what could help me?
Hello Luke .
Okay… lemme see now…
Q. Things to do with LD’s (such as seeing it written) but don’t become lucid.
A. This happens to plenty of people (including me), and yah - it’s very annoying when you don’t become lucid from it.
To overcome this - Try taking a RC everyting you’re talking/thinking about LD’ing (or even just dreams). Try it whenever you read about it as well.
Q. Is this good or bad?
A. It’s a good thing. It means you have LD’ing on your mind.
Q. Don’t notice it’s a dream, even though there’s a lot of weird things.
A. It’s like this for everyone. When we dream un-lucidly, the reational part of our brain is almost completely inactive.
To over come this - Try taking a RC everytime you notice something weird. Also, DJ’s can help this.
Q. Weird, numb, bouncy dreams.
A. Sounds like ND’s (non lucid dreams) to me. You’re only lucid if you know you were dreaming, and didn’t mention anything about being aware you’re dreaming about those dreams.
Q. Would like more LD’s.
A. What tech do you use (if any)? Different techs work better for different people.
At any rate, you may just be having a dry spell (I’m having one now also).
Hope those helped. If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to ask .