Help with WILD plz

hello, about 2 weeks ago i was lying in bed trying to goto sleep and all of a sudden my whole body got real warm and tingled all over, then i felt like i was being sucked into a black whole. Suddenly i was in a very awesomely vivid lucid dream it was my first time w/o trying.

Since then ive been trying to recreate that and searching on web alot for ways to do it. But im having many problems. So if you can plz help and answer my question i would greatly appreciate it.

I use the thinking about relaxing method from feet to head then stair counting to relax my body and i get really relaxed and feel like i cant move and kinda numb, but nothing like where ppl say they CANT move because if i actually try i can.

I do see little images after that and my eyes start blinking alot, but then they usually blink open and kill it all. If that doesnt happen I realize all of a sudden I cant breathe and take a huge gasp of air w/o thinking about it and have to relax all over again.

Staying concious isnt my problem its getting into a dream that is. Ive gotten that sinking warm tingling feeling a few times since then but second it happens and i feel like im being sucked in all of a sudden it just stops, and i have to relax all over again. I think i get too excited but i havnt been able to stop that. I can hear my heart pounding but I tell myself to relax and it doesnt help.

I dont get any real hypno images or sound while waiting for rem sleep. I get some color and dots but thats it, no images or shapes just random stuff, and its always on the edge of my eyeline, like up real high or off to the left/right. If i look over at it it goes away, if i look straight its empty.

Anyone got any pointers that would help me, its becoming real frustrating :razz:

Edit: oh ya I forgot to add, if i try on my stomach which is my normal sleeping position my arms for some reason start to REALLY hurt when I get relaxed and I have to move positions, so ive been trying on my back.

Opps after reading some of the topics here I discovered im actually pretty close to a WILD, i was just thrown off by the lack of HI. But I guess apparently not everyone gets that so its ok. Apparently the suffocating, pounding heart, and warm tingling is sleep paralysis. But for some reason I dont enter a dream after it I guess I need to get past that. Any Tips on entering a dream once SP starts to set in? I dont get HI so I cant like pick up something I see or jump into a dream. The only time I went into a WILD i just got that warm tingling falling feeling. Then all of a sudden I felt I could open my eyes and move, and when I did I was in my bed exactly as I was but in a dream. So far after that feeling Ive gotten nothing.

Maybe its because I was trying to stop the pounding heart cause I thought it was from excitment from being close to WILD. I’ll try to stick it out this time and just remember to breathe and see what happens I guess.

Edit: Just incase anyone else here is wondering. When your really relaxed and your heart starts pounding real hard and fast that it worries u a bit, its ok. Its actually the onset of sleep paralysis and normal. Its cause your brain is cutting off the signals to your body, and since your concious it invokes fear and causes a ‘fight or flight’ reaction, but since u can do neither ur heart starts racing.

meh, well I can get past sleep paralysis. It happens once, then again 15min later then I cant move even if i try, but then nothing happens. I just end up laying there paralysed for 3 hrs untill i eventually give up, I dont see any HI or anything. I see some flashes of light but i think thats from my eyelids flickering open a bit. Any clues?

There is a topic in Pathways to Lucidity that is centered around using sleep paralysis as a gateway to WILD. This sounds a lot like what you are trying to do, you might want to take a look at it. It’s Here. :smile:

I think the best thing to do in your position is to try and forget your body, it sounds to me as though it’s thinking about what stage you are at, etc, that may be holding you back.