I’m am a very casual lucid-dreamer, meaning that I did have lucid dreams in this 5 months that I’ve come to know this “art”. However, all of them were initiated by me recognizing that I was dreaming (I love those “ah-ah!” moments). However, this is quite unreliable, and I’d like to be able to lucid dream at will, or if not that, be able to even TRY at will.
So I decided to try my first WILD. I know that it’s hard and everything, but I had set my hopes high, since from what I know if “you don’t believe it, you will fail it”.
However, unlike other people who have trouble “staying awake”, I have trouble staying concentrated: I’m incredibly annoyed by my pulse. Be it in the leg, in a finger, in the back of my head, any pulsing is just distrupting my concentration(And I do not suffer from any concentration deficits-actually I’m preatty good at it).
How should I handle this? Are there other suggestions and advices for WILDing?
Thanks a lot!!
WILD is indeed hard but once you master it it is the simplest way to LD. I encourage you to WILD but it will take a lot of practice before you can do it easily. I believe that the success of a WILD has a lot to do with the level of awareness you maintain right before stepping into sleep. When i fall asleep, I try to control the whole process and descend as slowly as possible. If I rush into falling asleep, by the time I’m dreaming I lost lucidity. To make your WILD successful, try to fall asleep slowly, by controlling each small step.
You can also try DEILD: find a way to wake up in the middle of a dream: alarm clock, drink water or whatever works for you, and go back to sleep right away. That way you are very close to sleep and waking up has made you aware of what is going on. You will fall asleep quickly enough not to lose lucidity. This is much easier and it has granted me hundreds of LD over the years.
Most of all, you have to know yourself to find out what works best for you.
I hope my advice helps you find lucidity,
i haven’t even once performed a successful WILD, but now i can at least relax. sounds to me like you have the same problem i used to - not being able to relax. well, that i learned to do (actually - through meditation) is that when you lie down, you can start with your head and say like… “my forehead is relaxed, my eyes are relaxed, my chin is relaxed” and as you go down, you will feel them get relaxed more. then you will pay less attention to your body. sometimes you won’t know where your limbs are - that’s good. but that rarely happens to me. it’s also really good if you get HI - just watch them and you will forget that your body is even there. there was only one time for me that i got HI, other times it’s just black, so it’s real hard to not concentrate on your body… try to dive deep into what is behind your eyes… it’s hard to explain, but that also helps to forget your body.
well, but i can’t help any more than that… that’s all i’ve got so far good luck.
Thank you very much! Tonight I’ll try the relaxation/slow falling asleep. And I’ll make sure to be in a completly comfortable condition, so that I can really relax and concentrate.
What kind of mental activity should I keep up not to lose awareness? Can I think “as much as I want”, or that prevents from sleeping? What do you think about?
Using too much brainpower can prevent you from falling asleep, you can’t do an (intellectual) effort and relax at the same time. Don’t think of your waking life (work, problems, things to do, taxes, etc). Instead, think only of your dreams, whatever the way of being lucid you use.
I find it easier and more likely to have random WILDs the more times I wake up and go back to sleep. Doesn’t have to be 8 hours or anything close to it, I can sleep for 1 hour, then start waking up every 20m using an alarm clock, and the more I do it, the more likely it is I’ll start feeling the vibrations, and it’s smooth sailing from there. You could try messing with your sleep like that, but you must be able to fall asleep quickly and easily.