Hello I have been trying to LD off and on for the past 4 or 5 months. I have had 2 or 3 very short mild LD’s, but recently, the last month, I have started to try Wild’s. Its due to the fact I can go to sleep quite fast and also get relaxed very quickly. I have gotten as far as seeing colors, feeling my nose pinched and hearing a voice or 2, not sure how far that is.
But what usually happens is i am numb all over within 10 mins or so and it feels like i am dipping into unconsciousness and out every 1 min - 3 min if i had to guess. That goes on for quite some time, i get images in my head when i gain back consciousness. That seems to go on till I give up, or go to sleep on accident. I’ve gone up to an hour with the in and out of consciousness going on every few mins or so. As far as getting into SP, i really don’t know, i am numb within 10 mins almost every time, and i can usually break the numbness within a second or 2 and move, i tried it a few times. For keeping myself aware i usually count, sometimes 1 to 3 others just 1 to whatever. I also focus on my breathing and pretty much meditate to some degree i guess you can say.
So i am wondering if anyone has any hints, tips or advice because it seems like i am getting close but missing something, not sure what exactly?
Nope. For the most part I do WBTB, so early morning. And then also some a few naps. But that is what it seems like, like there is no rem there. I also have that annoying thing of swallowing to much probable. Any advice is appreciated.
Sounds like you are doing the lay-still-then-fool-the-body-into-thinking-I’m-asleep routine. This technique, while simple, can be very difficult to succeed. Not only you may get so tense it actually hurts, the overwhelming sensation caused by your body’s constant probing is unbearable. On top of all that you will for sure run into sliva issues.
My suggestion is to try other techniques. Last night I posted a new routine which I call SILD (Senses Initiated Lucid Dream). This method is simple to learn and does not require much finesse from the user, and the success rate can be very high. I recommend you to give it a try.
One thing I want to point out is that the swallowing thing doesn’t actually have to be a thing. If you swallow naturally and without devoting too much thought to it, it really won’t impede you. Now, laying still can be a bit of a challenge, and sometimes that does through people off. The best advice I’d give for that is to find a position that is comfortable. Most people think you have to lay on your back and this really isn’t the case. Find something that works for you and tweak it. Forget about guides and tutorials, make it work for you.