I read alot of topics about LDs and I just wanted to ask for advice… I goto sleep at 11 and wake up at 7, should I change the time I goto sleep at? And what time should I set my alarm so I could do WBTB properly?
It takes me a while to goto sleep and for some reason I really feel like doing WILD instead of MILD, is there anything wrong with this? Should I try MILD even if I don’t want to?
I had two LDs since I started doing this, one partly lucid, and one completely lucid… But both of them were only like 5 seconds long.
Well i cant tell you wath will work best for you. anny way. When using WBTB you should wake up 6 hours befor you fall asleep and stay awake for 30 minutes and that go to bed again. and if you want to you can do a WBTB and MILD combo. When you go back to bed after WBTB session you can use MILD.
It’s for everybody a little bit different. But you the best is if you sleep 4,5/6 hours. It’s the intention to wake up during REM-stage (at least that’s what I thought) Then you should stay awake for half on hour and go back to sleep so you have your REM-stage en will dream…
I don’t think you HAVE to try MILD if you don’t want to. Some people use WILD, other people MILD. That’s up to you.
I always use WILD, but its not that I go INTO a dream, I kinda realise that I’m dreaming during the dream… So it’s kinda like MILD but I do what you’re supposed to do with WILD =/…
The 1st one happened in a chain of 3 or 4 dreams (cant remember), they kept going none stop for what felt like an hour.
and the 2nd happened when I woke up from a dream at around 6 but was too lazy to get out of bed so I just used WILD again and near the end of the dream I was buying a microwave and the numbers were screwed up so I realised it was a dream.
Beginners LD’s are often very short. They tend to last longer with experience. Don’t feel enthusiastic when you enter a LD. Too much emotions will wake you up. How did your LD’s end? Did you wake up or did you return in a normal dream?
I don’t know… It’s not as fun as WILD… I tried it a couple of times and it really gets boring.
I woke up… The 2nd time when I looked at my hands they started fading, when they faded I woke up. I read that you should rub your hands together if they start to fade?
Yes. When your dream fades, you can rub your hands, or try to spin. If you wake up, you may try the “dream reentry” technique. Don’t move at all and wait about 10 seconds. Sometimes the dream reoccurs and you can enter it lucidly.
i always say it’s best to combine WILD and MILD… give yourself the MILD suggestions as you are trying to stay conscious. it’s like having two chances at your lucid dreams, WILD is a hard technique for most people, so it’s a good idea to have a backup plan and throw some of them good ol’ MILD suggestions in there