helping become lucid through a dream...

i was reading up a little bit on how to have someone who can lucid dream enter your dream while ur asleep and help u become lucid.
Kind of like a shared dream…

If anyone knows how to do this or even knows if it is true, i would love to be helped in my dream!!

I am having a bit of trouble becomming lucid so any help i can get is appreciated

I have heard of many confirmed cases from scientists, to r3tro and (what’s his name…). I firmly believe it is possible. Don’t let other ppl tell you any different unless they have conclusive proof. Of course, I have never experienced a LD though and could really use the same help. :wink:

As shared dreaming is rather rare, you would have more chances of meeting someone who makes you lucid if you try to induce a DC that have to say in your dreams “Hey ! You’re dreaming !”
Something like VILD, indeed…