Hey there,
As I posted in my itro, I practice an energetical technike called Marian Key meditation. What´s about?
Well, as we all know, we have a fisical body consisting in different organs, includding the skin, which are regulated by hormons produced by glands. But glands are regulated energetically by energetic spinning wills called chakras. We have many of them along our body but the main ones are 7 which contoles our main systems (nerves, breathing, cardiological, digestive and sexual).
As we have negative emotions this chakras start spinning slower, absorving less universal energy, glands start working worst, what becomes in a body malfunction. With this technike I become a channel of this universal energy, making your chakras absorve more energy and helpping your body to autoregulate itself again.
There´s no matter if you are not ill, energy helps anyway.
The only thing I need from you is your complete name and birth date, and if you don´t want to post it in this topic, you can freely pm me.
If you also know about anyone who needs help, feel free of giving me his info, as energy doesn´t depends of time or space, it will help, and doesn´t matter if he doesn´t know.
It´s free!
Looks interesting! I’ll join in.
Name: Kevin Jetté.
Born: March 3rd 1992.
Hey Kev,
Welcome to my energetical working list! As I got the compromise of working in it every day of the rest of my life you will receive this energy every day, at least till I return home.
Also, If you know that someone have returned home, and you have given his name to me, please, just say so.
I’m sorry. What is it you are trying to accomplish here?
I understood the whole chakra thing but I don’t understand what it is you intend on doing. Because if this is a form of ‘distant healing’ then I’ll be merging this topic.
So can you please explain a little more of what you’re intentions are? What you are trying to accomplish? How you are planning on doing it? And so on…
Well, I talked first to moogle and she suggested me to post this here. My intention is just helpping others, but I´m not trying to accomplish anything as I´m not the one who acts. Healing is just and aspect of what Divine´s (the whole or as ever you wanna call it) energy does, as it´s the organiser and sustainner of everything. And with this I´m exposing my own believes, and not trying to convince anybody. So it is not only distance healing.
If you judge it´s better to merge the topic, just tell me, though Marian Key Meditation is a quite specific technique I preffered to introduce it by a title that would give a little aproach to one of it aspects, which I guess is one of the ones most people knows.
But if someone gets curious about it, I´ll be glad to answer any doubt. So as I told you, If you are still considering to merge it, please tell me. But I´ll humbly suggest only just changing topic´s title to the name of the technique or if you want to suggest any other name wil be fine.
Thanks for your observation. Matías
I recently just started getting into this kind of stuff and am liking it a lot. The feeling i got when i first opened all my chakra’s was incredible… then meeting the source was just a wonderful sensation of energy all over my body. So i am very interested in learning Marian Key meditation… what I use at the moment is the “running energy” practice from ianmatthews84@hotmail.com this is also my msn messenger contact so if you use that add me
Oh yeah:
name: Ian Matthews
Born: July 21st 1984
As some of you have asked how to get into the technique of Meditación de la Llave Mariana (It´s original name)I´ll first have to explain some details of it.
First of all, this technique is still being “downloaded” by Veronica (an employee of a clothes hause in Buenos Aires) and the material hasn´t been translated to english jet.
As it´s a very new thing with it´s origin right here in Argentina it´s not very well known or extended. And we are just few ones who can “teach” it, ( I´m using “” because here there are no teachers, just people who have worked with it for a determinated time and in a voluntary way gives the course). Yep, as I´ve said, it´s necesary to make a course in which a potencialization of your chakras takes place. This means that in this 2 days, your body receives the telurical kind of energy and gets used to it. That´s why if I send the material to someone, without making this course, and he makes the excercise, he would harm himself.
The courses, the technique´s material (only the photocopies value of the first 3 levels which take place just in the course) should be payed but if you can´t afford it won´t matters), and also the service you do with it is absolutly free and no profit must be taken of it. Next material can be given by mail up to the 9th level.
Finally if you like to take this course, you should make a treap to Argentina, Buenos Aires, Mendoza or Tierra del Fuego and take the course or organice a quite extended group to solve the ticket and the place to stay, as Argentinian economical situation doesn´t allows as to go to foreign countries easily and none of this teachers is reach.
But I guess this will have to wait till this material comes translated. I´ve just written a mail to Veronica, and through her asking Gabriel Archangel (the intelligent energy encharged to comunicate Dad´s decisions to us)how should this technique be extended to english speaking countries.
As soon as I´ll get an answer I´ll start working.
Please, remember that this is not a religious thing, just a tool.
But everything is energy and spiritual kingdom is non material energy. And as I live in a catholic country, this is the form the technique took, taking the femenine energy the form of María. Please that every ancient culture has it´s sacred trylogy representing masculine, femenine and neutral energy, and this technique works with the 3 of them.
Just a consideration for the mods, please, don´t take this as a kind of advertistment as it´s not a profitable technique and it has only be sent for helpping on this acelerated times and no one should be kept out of it cause of money. If anyone still considers as so, I´ll be glad to listen any suggestion for editing this message.
Thanks you Ian, lets see if we can chat again through msn. Anyone interested can contact me through msn if wants to just adding me to his contact list. As I told Kev and to anyone who wants help, no matter who he is or what he does (Dad´s love doesn´t distingush or even judges), welcome to my list!
Sounds intriguing and im curious.Just would like to know what to expect,whats the difference between now and after the treatment.
Jacek Chomiak
Ps.I`ve been struggling with depression for over a year now, seems like just being is making me tired,exhausted and something like the will of life is down to nothing.Being so much tired with my ghost presence im taking on any source of help.
Hey there,
Well, as I told to Iluminada, I would not be able to tell you any difference between before and after the “treatment” just because the only thing I do is just to chanalise this Whole´s energy, which is intelligent and does what is better for us, but sometimes what is better for us isn´t what we want. Just like when a child asks his father for a suggar cotton and instead he gives him an apple. Well, the Whole acts like a loving father and this is just a small idea of him. So I´m not the one who decides how this energy will act in you, I can only tell you that energy helps to acelerate the processes and depurates from the magnetic (aural)body, through emotional and finally the fisical body.
Anyway, it won´t harm you at all, but remember it´s a natural process and not magic, so don´t spect miracles, but I have seen some people with cancer getting much better. Just keep our faith and if you are taking medicine keep with it untill your doc says it´s ok.
I really hope this will help you.
Lets see what happens, I´ve just started working with you with a deep energetical cleanning and I also welcome you to my working list. For now and the rest of my life.
If you know about someone who needs help, you can give me his name and I´ll include him there. If you want you can give me the name of your familly members, no matter if they are not ill, cause this energy also acts as protection.
Also if someone harms you, give me his name, he will change his actitude or at least love will bond him so he won´t make harm anymore. As I told before, love doesn´t distinguishes neither judges.
sounds interesting
mike geyer
m d y(if that matters)
Welcome! Tell me if you have any doubt it´s also usefull to know if you have any specific illness. If you don´t wanna tell in the forum, just PM me. This will be kept for my self.
so when you gonna start with this? if you havent done it already and nope, i dont got an illness that i can think of
Don´t warry my friend! If you allowd to call you so. I´ve started as well as I saw you post, and I will continue till I pass on for every day. I´m glad to know you don´t have any illness, this will help anyway as a kind of protection, which doesn´t mean you won´t get ill or that nothing “bad” will happen ever, but as I told, and wouldn´t like to be repetitive, but as I´ve said, will help.
best wishes, Matías
I honestly say i dont know much about this particular method/system but i really really wish there was a way just to somehow feel/know or else that its around.
No such way at all?