I’d like to hear about people’s experiences with hemi-sync CD’s/tapes other than the gateway series. I just downloaded Cloudscapes, Gaia, Into the Deep, and Sweet Dreams (which is reported to help with lucid dreaming). I also have Sleeping through the Rain, Inner Journey, and Einstein’s Dream, and have had some very vivid dreams after listening to them . Im looking forward to listening to the four I just got (especially the Sweet Dreams one).
:red: …I think I should have posted this under Shortcuts to Lucidity. Sorry…
Problem solved
But still…has anyone used any hemisync products?
I’ve used…can’t remember what it was, as a WILD attempt. Great to relax but couldn’t WILD.
I don’t know about the singles though, and most I’m not even sure they have binaural beats in them, perhaps at subliminal level. Gateway seems much better overall.
I forgot to mention that there seems to be the Lucid Dreaming Series. I found them off kazaa, but the strange thing is monroe institute doesn’t sell them. Perhaps they will come out later.
I’ve had no luck with hemisync
Well now that I can finally login again…
I have had some results with the “Sweet Dreams” cd . The first night I listened to it I didn’t really get into it (wait till you hear the guy’s voice…its boring). However, the second night I almost floated out of my body right at the end of the cd. I wasn’t prepared for the intensity of it. The muscles in my legs were tightening and I was starting to get very uncomfortable. Kind of felt like I reeeeeallly wanted to just stand up and do something. Unfortunately the sound of the cd player stopping caught my attention and I lost it. I have tried it three times since then, but haven’t made it as far as on the second night. I recommend trying this one. Haven’t gotten lucid using it, but I did have some cool experiences.
…oh yeah…another short lucid moment for me the other night
so what is the exact name of this music you found?
I already posted the exact names…
check out [color=red][mod]Direct link removed, please don’t link directly to vendors[/mod][/color]
yeah, the first night i got this cd from monroe institute, i woke up after 6 hours of sleeping, played the cd, did the part about controlling my dreams while i was awake, and told myself that i would lucid dream as a command. It worked, that morning i had a lucid dream without having to do a reality check, and not even entering it directly. Just all of a sudden i knew i was dreaming and it was amazing
Ive tried like everything.
Hemi-sync, bwgen, holosync etc
Some give me very good sensations so i can better focus on my goals.
Alot of them give me inner peace and relaxing feeling.
Some dont work at all.
What i have experienced by trying these things is that you really have to stick to one thing and reallty use it.
By jumping from one to another really will not give you much.
Its not like a drug where you dont have control over it, like you suddenly poff into some void and dont know where you are.
You really need to cooperate with it so to speak.
And if you try one dreamtool and then feel like trying another, do it… but be prepared for the tryout only… it will not gice you much results.
What i have learned is that by using one and sticking to it really makes you learn it and after a while if nothing happens you somehow adjust to the thing, and it all works great after a while.
And then you somehow have learned how to tense the brainwaves by yourself.
You somehow get help help from the tunes of hemi-sync to learn it, after some usage you learn it and can better relax and adjust to it.
Some people are very sensitive(can better relax the brain) and get results directly.
Hemi-Sync is a great trainingwheel.
Its not a drug, but a tool to make you learn how a specific brainmuscle feels when it is stimulated, and by having it stimulated over some time you can tense that muscle by yourself because you have learned how much to tense.
Its like having an instrument attached to something to press with your handmuscles, you press it with your hand to a specific tenselevel, and when you have done it for sometime with the instrument you then have learned how much to press to get to that level where you want.
With hemi-sync you get help with the pressure and your brain register the pressure after a continous use.
This is how i have experienced it anyway.
Great tools if you feel like using it.
hey if anyone has any hemi-sync mp3s could you please send them to me. tinytim114@yahoo.com thanks.