Hemi Sync how?

Hello, been inactive from this forum from a while but im back.

anyways i have tried the hemi sync lucid dreaming tapes.

but i have some questions i hope someone can answer. (i tried to search)

1-Do the lights need to be off:
2-after listening a long time to the take i feel my body specially my legs begin to feel weird and almost hurting, should i avoid moving legs to another possition? and avoid scrathcing my face?:

3-after a some time when i begin to see white dots and light’s (HI) its seems like its shacking what is that?:

should i concentrate on these dots and light so they become HI then it become lucid?

hope anyone can answer me on all of these questions.

Thank for answers.


Hello Thor,
are you referring to the Lucid Dreaming DVD ?
I know that one has an 8 hours long track designed for you to listen to as you sleep, using this one, you don’t need to do anything but sleep, it take you through your cycles , while giving you a wake up call in the REM period.

  1. however you want to… The more comfortable and relaxed you are, the better.
  2. it depends which track is it, if you could explain more about the track, like what brainwaves does it use, what is it for, how long is it, designed for WILD, etc, I would be able to assist you a lot better.
    However, if your legs hurt, I can’t suggest that you keep them still.
    switching to a different position will probably keep you from sleeping, but nothing is sure, and feeling not comfortable and bad is probably very counterproductive to sleeping, dreaming and lucid dreaming.
    About scratching your face, you will find that if you ignore an urge, it will tend to disappear, however, if it makes you feel uncomfortable I have to suggest you try to satisfy that urge as calmly and easily as possible.
    Try to relax deeply before you start listening to the tape, like, take some 10 - 15 minute to just lay down and relax. Most itches are dust on your body and face.
    Taking a hot bath before trying to LD is very helpful, it helps relax the body and clean it.
  3. Again, if I understood the nature and purpose of the track I would be able to assist you better,
    however, in any case, if you are trying to consciously enter a dream, (exit physical environment) you need to focus your attention away from the physical and your body, so focusing on the light and dots can help, but it is not necessary.
    You can focus on anything you want to, you can start visualizing (using as much of your senses as possible) a dream and focus on that. Whatever works for you, it is an individual process, no way is ‘the’ way or the right/only way.
    Experiment, have fun with it, search your own way.
    Don’t get too wrapped up about terms such as HI. Don’t limit yourself to thinking that LDing can happen in a certain way, you can go directly into a dream without HI and you can have plenty of HI without going into a dream, besides, the concept of HI tends to vary immensely from one person to another.

generally, you don’t have to do anything,
find your own way, no one else’s is better.
Focusing on the light can be helpful if you feel it is helpful.
Trust your intuition. Make yourself comfortable,
and most importantly, experiment and have fun !

hope this helps,
feel free to ask anything you want to.