Here is a thought.

We are ALWAYS dreaming.
I have a question with an answer.
What makes Physical reality different then Dream realities ?
Have you ever had a dream where you had some sort of difficulty doing things. It was if some out worldly power prevented you from doing what ever it was you desired to do. Sounds a bit like Physical reality, does it not? You try to do things while your “awake” and sometimes with no success. It is because of beliefs, what you believe in is what you get. Beliefs are also the things that let you experience “dreams” when you close your eyes and go to sleep ( fall into yet another dream world ) you bring with you the belief that in your “dream” you can do anything… you can be Lucid as you say.
I ask you this, how do you NOT know your not dreaming. Those who have Lucid dreams that are just as real as so called physical reality. May sometimes wonder what is really “real”. It’s all real. Realizing, acknowledging that both Physical and Dream world are the same thing will make your life amazing… Try it :smile: Try to see that right now you are also in a dream, you just put beliefs that make it seem like your not. Just as in a Lucid dream state you can bring with you beliefs that you can’t do things. Than another time you can bring beliefs with you that you can do things in a lucid dream. The same is for Physical reality, bring forth beliefs that you can do anything in physical reality. Then your life experience will truly be a living dream.

Very interesting and ancient concept. Humans have been contemplating this one since indigenous shamans and ancient philosophers. I even think it can flow into string theory and quantum physics (if I can even begin to understand those concepts correctly, I think). Think of reality as a spectrum of vibrations. You have dense solid matter, sound waves, color frequencies, microwaves and radiation, and who knows which ones we don’t yet have equipment to measure. Dark matter and energy make up 98% of the universe, last time I checked. That means that our so-called “science” and technological “advances” can only measure 2% of known existence. Who knows how subtle those unknown frequencies become? Our physical tools can only measure a fraction of what exists, just as our physical bodies filter what we perceive. Supposedly we only use 5% of our brain, at least when we are awake. There is a lot that “science” doesn’t know and has no capabilities to measure. It seems to me that there is a lot of room to connect the dots. Dream realms exist, psychic phenomena, quite probably even conscious entities - but in frequencies that we can’t measure scientifically. Our minds (not our brains - there is a difference) are capable of profound experience beyond our current man-made tools. I believe that we are capable of tuning into different frequencies, but few of us as yet know how. Mainstream “scientific” thought prevails, and we are conditioned to believe anything not provable or measurable to be ridiculous. 98% is a pretty big window of variables unknown, I think.

A theory spread widly, often said for fun. But still, everybody has thought of it at least once.

I don’t believe we are dreaming, and if this would be a dream, I think we would all be projections of a dreamer rather than dreamers.

I’m don’t think physics are how they are because of what we believe, otherwise people on drugs who believe they can fly, can truly fly. And I’ve never seen this happen. But perhaps this works in a way of a collective consciousness, a connection between all conscious beings. We’ve just got to convince all 7 billion of us (if not more throughout the galaxy) that we can fly :tongue: :content:

Quantum Physics have nothing to do with dreaming.

We have the equipment to measure pretty much all of them. All of the 4 fundamental forces are known, all of the 12 elementary particles are known as well. We have a very nice understanding of the Universe.

Dark matter can be measured through its effect on regular matter, i.e. gravitational lensing. It is false to say that dark matter is something supernatural or totally unknown.
When it comes to dark energy, it is too early to state anything at all. That theory is still in the hypothetical state and there are many alternatives proposed.

Oh my god, not this myth again. You are misinformed. Just look at this.

The difference between “normal” science, that you severely underestimate, at least proves its claims. You are just blatantly asserting nonsense, a.k.a. para-science claims, which are not even near the most humble scientific hypotheses.

Our mind is created by the brain. Lots of successful studies have been done to prove that the mind is dependent on our physical brains. Scans have even revealed the areas of our brain that are responsible for consciousness, thinking and the inner “I”. I see no reason why you would separate the brain and its product like that.

Saying that science works by belief, not proven or unmeasurable systems is a bald assertion that shows your lack of understanding on how science actually works.

Instead of talking about concepts like Quantum Physics, Dark Matter & Energy and Neurosciense, try at first to grasp the basic fundamentals of science, that leads us to those complex theories.

Let me go a little further with this.
Your reality is caused by this-
To most people Actions are the most apparent way they create there reality. But an action comes from a thought and this thought is bathed in a feeling of an emotion and emotion stems from a definition, a belief.
Our world, more like your world, is caused by beliefs, you ALWAYS believe in something right? Before you came to physical life you believed that it would be like this. I’m not talking about your whole life experience but the basis that you experience life. You put forth the belief of gravity of particles of air of a human body and even the belief that you are LESS then what you truly are. We are masters of limitation. We put forth things that make it seem harder to do things. We did this so that when we climb over the mountain so to speak. It will be more rewarding because we forgot how powerful we are.
I say we are always dreaming to connect with people on this site. I do this because they have had a taste of their true being through Lucidness. At the moment I’m not sure what to say to convince people of this truth but I do know that you can convince yourself. PLAY with reality. Use your Beliefs, emotions, thoughts and actions to show you that your always dreaming. Prove it to your self somehow. I know I am everyday and I have seen things that would make scientist fall to there knees in confusion.
It’s hard for people to believe this because of what the reality around them has shown them but the reality that is showing them this is there creation. It comes from beliefs.
So if you go to the core you can change your reality. This has always been a dream of Limitation. We wanted this and so we created it. Now we want something more we don’t want to be limited like this anymore we want a true freedom from limitation of our reality.

Reality isn’t caused by anything. Reality simply is. What you are talking about is perception. And that perception is caused simply by our sensory mechanisms, that send information to the brain.

I don’t know, this is getting really philosophical. Where I would talk in the terms of neuroscience, you are talking in terms of belief and psychological feelings. These don’t go together.

At least you are right on one thing - I will never convince myself of those bald assertions you’re making. I’m a skeptic, and it was a mistake for me to try and argue in “Beyond Dreaming” forum in the first place :happy:

I certainly agree with the statement that what we now experience as a reality is just a dream. But it is more like metaphore. Last ViewFromAbove post said most about it. The life we experience is a dream because everything you experience first comes to place in your mind which filtrates that experience acording to your own beliefs. Your beliefs form your view of life. Just few people who lives in modern society just can see everything from the core perspective. I am one of them. What is true for me may not be true at all because for an example on days that are full of negativity you look everything with negative attitude. Almost everything in your life seems to annoy you. But on a day that is happy for you everything looks good just the way it is and you are happy about it. True can change from your attitude. What I wanted to say is that our view of world is always changing until we find the ultimate truth or something. Right from then a man’s view of life never changes. It is just my opinion so it might not be true.

If reality is a dream, it’s unlike any dream I’ve ever had. There’s a huge difference between taking the position “We can’t know that we’re not dreaming because it depends on our imperfect sensory information” and “We’re definitely dreaming”. If this is a religious or spiritual belief you hold, that’s a cool idea, although it’s still subject to physical laws. Physical law will act exactly the same way no matter what you believe about it. It would be easier to say “This is God’s dream” or “This is a shared dream with all rules solidly based on consensual understanding that rarely changes”. It certainly isn’t your personal dream though, otherwise you’d already be flying.

Aaudraa, I have to ask about your personal experiences here: have you ever experienced something totally impossible? I agree that there is a lot that we haven’t found yet, but that’s not really an excuse for assuming something contrary to what really is. There’s metaphysical belief structures that don’t contradict reality, but until you die, that’s all they can remain. No, the facts don’t stop at what we’ve currently measured, but that doesn’t mean that whatever our assumptions are suddenly become true because we want them to be true. It just means that there’s more to be found experimentally. Also, aren’t you kind of going against your own advice on the “arguing with others on the Internet” thing?

I’d like to make it clear I’m not arguing against religion or spirituality here, but I am arguing contradicting reality.

Why shouldn’t I have ended up in it?

I don’t tell them they are wrong because they differ from my opinion. I tell them that they are most likely wrong due to the scientific evidence that supports the opposite opinion. I tell them the facts. By no means am I attacking your personality or try to convert your beliefs or anything like that. I simply point out some fallacies to keep the discussion going and to give the readers of this forum something to choose from.

Sure. But does that mean that we have to replace those “unknowns” with belief, nonsense speculations, utterly unscientific guesses and so on?
Science tries to find answers. Where we answer “We simply don’t know”, some people start babbling about Quantum Physics, Dark Energy and Conscious Particles before even fully understanding those concepts. That misleads people from the simple fact that there is still some research left to do.

A lot of what people experience has nothing to do with science.

Do you think I’m insane? Fine…
One of my hobbies is researching science. I wanted to put some science in this thread.
As I said, it was a mistake from my part.

aaudraa wrote:
My advice to you - try psychedelics or meditation, lighten up, and direct your time and energy toward more fulfilling hobbies than arguing with others on the Internet.

he was not arguing. he was debating with facts, and research and data. you are the one arguing, claiming that a delusion that arises from a hallucinogenic experience trumps all Scientific research. Also dark matter is now a theory, no longer a hypothesis (I know at the time of writing it was not yet a theory). If you truly believe in all of this “nonsense” for lack of a better word, you will find that reality and your beliefs will contradict, and ultimately reality will tell you to check your premises.