I man wakes, he realizes right away that somethings not right, he feels diffrent… The man props up, and he hit his head, he realizes he is in a small box, or coffen. He starts to panic, and scream. He thinks he may be dreaming, so he screams…“Wake up”, “Wake up”, its nothing, but darkness. He begins to get very scared, and was becoming closterphobic.
He continued screaming, sudnley he sees a flash of light, lie a camra flash. He slowly started to calm down, he felt as if he couldnt controll the peace that came over him, but his mood quickley changed, as he felt a presance near him. He could feel someone watching, and the man begins panic again, the feeling was so strong, he couldnt talk, he just mubaled in a state of shock…“Help me”. The presance gets closer, and closer…“Help me”. He felt as if hands were reaching to grab him.
The man was so scared he began to get sick to his stomack, it was to much for him, as he felt these mysterious prsance getting closer, and closer. Then he saw another flash, this time he saw a very disturbing picture. He couldnt explain what he saw, what he saw in that sudden flash was so terrafing it was impossible to put it in words…“oh god he” he said in a shaky voice " whats hapaning to me". The hands came throught the top of the coffin, and hovored just over his body. He couldnt see the hands, but he knew they were there, and they were ready to grab him. Just as they were about to grab him he hears a tone. He saw another flash of light, and then he…woke up, the alarm clock woke him up, and he was in his bed, in a panic. Slowly he forgot the dream, he just knew he had the worst nightmare of his life.