Very simple idea. Imagine a TV that grows and grows until it fills your entire vision and you are “in” it. Then press the remote control button for the TV guide and press it. Imagine a guide coming up with all the different channels with all those different names… pick one that sounds interesting to you and press ok. Then start interacting with said vision/program. Easy! I know ppl have mentioned working with TVs before but I don’t remember someone using a TV guide for dream titles before - sorry if I repeated someone else.
Interesting idea. Electronic devices don’t always seem to work in lucid dreams, although for me it seems to be somewhat random. Sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn’t. If the TV does work, this could be a really interesting way to have some fun and explore new scenes and let your subconscious surprise you.
Sounds interessting. Using electric devises like TV in my attemps to introduce a lucid dream never played a big role for my. Anyway your idea makes sense to me. I think Ill try it on Friday
This is an interesting idea. Of course, a TV in itself would be a dream sign, because we don’t own one IRL. I have used my computer screen as a RC before. Maybe loading a program on the computer, or visiting a website, would also work like this.
I am using my computer screen as a RC to. My screensaver is a sentence “Do a RC now!” this really helping.