Hey, this really IS a dream, right NOW

It doesn’t seem so to me.

Can you imagine what it would be like if physical laws weren’t stable?

Life’s, matter’s, and the universe’s existence would be at stake. The universe would be a shapeless lump of ever-changing matter, if anything at all. Or maybe, it wouldn’t even last five minutes.

I, you, everyone else, this planet, and the other trillion billion million planets, stars, and other bodies exist because the laws of physics have not changed since the beginning of time.

Here are some facts about physical laws:

Humans have as much of a chance to fly (without outside help) as sheep.

If people will be able to fly, the laws of physics will not be bent, but exploited. Reality is reality. Otherwise it wouldn’t be called so.

Also true, but Eyelids’ posts were also very amazing.
Although you definitely can’t do something by saying it a thousand times in ‘reality’, attitude and emotion can influence you greatly.

WOW The Nameless One!!! :rofl: You really think reality is that solid!!! :gni: Do you realize how unstable everything is? :content: Everything is existing on choas! What you call ‘laws of physics’ are the result of the chaos. For crying out loud the very fact that we exist is so very very very very ilogicall and improbable in logical thinking thinking of reality being so solid and stable… forget about it! Come on even scientest are beggining to recognize this, ever heard of Quantum Mechanics? Life would suck if things were so simple.

If there is someone here who should roll on the floor laughing that would be me, but since my body and the ground are so…what was the word…oh, stable, I don’t as I would hurt myself. No chance either of us is going to become soft while I roll, I’m afraid.

So, despite the famous urban legend about it, quantum mechanics is a branch of…



Not a justification for anything people can come up with.

There is no bending the laws of physics, I’m afraid. Unless proven otherwise, of course. Oh, I forgot to add scientifically proven.

Just because chaos exists it doesn’t mean that the speed of light changes every second, or that you can cheat, without the help of machinery or scientifically discovered techniques (should there be any in the future, I’ve covered that too), the law of gravity.

Chaos in matter, not in rules. Don’t assume without a solid basis.

Since time immemorial, no rule or constant has changed (save for Hubble’s “constant”).

You are not, and I repeat, not living on chaos. You don’t splash to the ground as a pile of organic goo because what keeps the atoms of which your body is made together is…stable. Yes, I’ve just used the s-word.

The Earth does not drift into deep space because the law of gravity is stable, you can survive because chemistry doesn’t change on a whim.

Now I am asking you, have you ever heard of quantum mechanics? Except from people who said that, thanks to the latest discoveries in quantum physics, it is possible to shoot lightning out of your a**, that is.

I would be extremely cautious when questioning the very existence of the universe.

The more we believe our perception affects reality, the more we distort reality.

If it’s possible for humans to fly, we don’t break the laws of physics by doing so. The laws of physics don’t change, only our perception of them does - our understanding. (It’s worth noting that humans can’t fly unaided.

You can’t try to understand the ‘laws’ of the universe in the same way you see the laws of civilization, which exist only as shared thoughts, words on paper and actions. We define universal principles through our perception of reality. If that perception changes, that’s all that happens - the ‘laws’ themselves do not change, only the way we understand them.

So if you confuse the subjective with the objective, only then are you living in a dream world.

To the original poster.

You’ve realized much, but sometimes fewer words are more than many, and for some very damaged indivuduals, some specific fixes may be needed to help them,

This is why Tantra means technique

There are fixes for keeping the attention free of “dreams” to go beneath dreams and mind altogether, yet they are very misunderstood, and most take discipline, something most people don’t desire to pursue being conditioned to an instant reward society.

There are then sudden fixes that can transform one literally, overnight.

Some are handed down by masters and some are discovered accidentally.

Ever see the reality of this universe is that size is an illusion, that things never stop becoming smaller or larger? Like a fractal?

Ever wake up one morning and realize the car and the house across the street are not separate from you, at all?

Ever have fear, anguish as well as joy, excitement banished from you altogether to the point you’re left at the point of no mind… to be in control of what you think?

Did I read about this, or did I lay down next to someone and time the rhythm of my breath to the timing of theirs exactly for 5 or 6 hours… accidentally discovering one of the universe’s greatest secrets? Buddha knew much, but times have changed, and I hope you realize we are now the Buddhas, we are now the ones who will save ourselves.

Could you control your breathing for hours? Not without getting lost…

getting lost in the thoughts of thousands and thousands of others around you that you’ve learned to imitate.

Or is it that an external sound doesn’t allow you to be swept away? Could it be a beat? Could making the breathing a rhythm… open you up to many other rhythms in life that you might have been unaware of for YEARS? For LIFETIMES?

Note: This post doesn’t require reading to truly understand, just as a man said “the tao cannot be taught”

Just as tantra means technique, for a specific reason.

Good luck in your quests, all. But I know a secret, and the difficulty in telling others is that it cannot be spoken.

All is perfect, in the end, you know. Though I may become distracted, realization is a realization: Not a memory, but an understanding.

All is perfect, and nothing more can be done or added.

But for many, a technique is needed. There are gradual methods and sudden, overnight fixes. Guess what you just stumbled on.

Poetry or personal experience?[/b]

classicalhixus, although I do not have much to add, I would just like to say that I enjoyed your post.

If so, I must be some kind of a super-genuis!

you see, Some things will never change in dreams. Your SC will want to change stuff all the time, to give freedom to its creativity. If you can channel that to the right directions, you can have a persistent dream.

Also, you don’t work like a computer. You don’t process physics in such ways. You don’t think “I stop holding that stone. What will happen now? LEt’s see, there is x air denisty, with 1 level of gravity. The weight of the stone is… …so, it will fall down!”
You think “I stop holding that stone. It will fall down.”
Same thing about lightings (Although there are not many shadows in dreams)

And specifically because of that, you can’t recreate reality in dreams, you can mimic it at best in various degrees of accuracy depending on your mind.

Thank you this was really inspirational. Your right humans hold back on so much. I was thiking about something the other day. What if everyone only had about 40 years to live… I think we would be living in the eutophia you described, because people would know how short life is. I think we would have less crime, people would cease the day, and talk, and love one another. Ive allways dreamed of a world filled with open minds. People would be more spiritual, wanting to take advantage of every hour. Life is wonderful, and very presious.

Eyelids, perhaps I’m wrong, but you’ve been reading waaaaay to much Be Here Now.::lol And if I am right and you are reading that book then yes I know THERE IS NEVER TO MUCH IT IS SPIRIT FOOD.
And I’m not sure how Maynard would feel about being called a prophet…I think it is quite naive to put someone on a pedestal like that. If he is a prophet than you are a prophet and I am a prophet and The Nameless One is a prophet just the same.
I think people are interpreting this to literally. Reality is not a dream like you know, you have a perception of dream which means many things and does not mesh well with the perception you have of this thing called waking life.
I don’t think that if you believe the guy behind the glass loves you that he, in his head, will begin to love you, but if you think so and you just walk by then he has loved you, but to him you just walked past the glass. If you stay and meet him behind the glass and you think he loves you then the vibrations formed between you become love, or at least attempt to become love. Many times the vibrations emmited by one person strive for love, and the paranoia coming from others deafens it.

And as for manipulating physical reality and it’s laws, Eyelids, you make it seem like anyone can do it, like these kids can put their mind to it and jump out the window and fly. No! Being able to do this takes years and lifetimes of discipline and spiritual work. They escape this time-space matrix, and thus are no longer bound by it’s laws. But know, this, your thoughts are in this time-space matrix, so to escape it, you must find another way out! I am not denying the fact that the laws of physics are merely illusions , but I am sure most of the kids reading this will not get anywhere close in their lifetime. I do know what you are talking about though. There have been many nights lying awake with the plant-spirits during a spirit journey where these laws no longer apply…

You have a long way to go friend. Something you will learn in the future is that you will uncover and then realize you’ve uncovered nothing. Never for a second think that you know WHAT IS. You THINK WHAT IS.

Yeah, thanks very much for the misleading titile! I thought I was lucid there for a mo lol

Some good points, very interesting topic :happy: