i have just startet to ld. i have made it once and i am looking foreward to the next time . i have just orderd “lucid dreams in 30 days” by Hararay and Wientaub. has anyone of you red it??? is it any good? i have heard that it is a good bokk you see
Congratulations on your first LD! How long did it take you and what did you do to achieve it?
Unfortunately for me, my first case of lucidity in a dream turned out bad because I got a mysterious bad feeling right when I was lucid. It was so bad I had to wake up. What happened in your LD?
it was my first time trying!! … i was dreaming that i was driving my bike and i thought: hey im dreaming so why not drive a ferrari? and it turned into a ferrari!
Hi erik! Welcome To the LD4ALL!!
Wow! U had a LD the 1st time u tried it?! Thats Great! I see u have great potential to become a master at LDing If u keep trying and practising and WanTind to have LDs…u will likely have them everytime u try! So go ahead, explore
Great 1st LD !!
Good luck on your dreaminng journey ^_~