Azazel, if you want, you can introduce yourself in The Big “Hi, I’m New Here!” Topic
It seems that you are kinda a natural lucid dreamer. I don’t really see a connection between realizing that you are dreaming and nightmares - maybe you a bit expect them to happen after you know that you are in dream ?
If you are getting too panicked - just calm down, and concrentrate of staying lucid. Remember to do so, when you will realize that you are dreaming next time. You can give a voice commands, such as “More lucidicy!” to get more lucid. Remember, that you are dreaming, so nightmare happens only in your head. This dream is your creation, so only you can control it.
You can fight the bad ones in nightmare, or just go away from there, by flying or teleporting yourself for example. You don’t have to run away, especially wake up.
That electric thing seems to be a visualization, that works. False Akwenings happens sometimes in normal dreams, but they happens most of the times in lucid dreams. For example, when dreamer is afraid of waking up, or wants to wake up (as you do). False akwenings are sometimes a result of low lucidicy. But your method of waking up works most of times, so I guess that in times when you are having a FA, you are or too low lucid, or you are sleeping too deeply.
SP is very annoying, especially after waking up. But unfortunately, I don’t know any good way to fight SP after waking up. Maybe .mp3’s or repeating a mantra before falling asleep would do something, but I am not fully sure.