HI in the bus :P

I thought I would tell about a great way to get HI for a very long time, atleast for me anyway :tongue: For some reason I always seem to get tired at about the same time I leave school to go home. Then I sit in the bus and relax for about 20-30 minutes and then I start getting faint HI and sometimes even very vivid HI :cool_laugh: The entire busride takes about 40-45 minutes and I’ve always slept in the but since the ride is so short I always just fade away for 10-30 seconds at a time and then I look up and see where the bus is to make sure that I don’t sleep too long. And I’ve never overslept so far :wink: And I’ve been sleeping on the bus for years.

Today I think I had HI for probably something like 10 minutes today and each scenes usually lasted for 2-15 seconds before it went away. Then I had to wait about the same amout of time before I got HI again and this kept going on until I started getting so close to home that I didn’t want to fall asleep anymore. Just to make sure that I didn’t oversleep. For some reason I usualy start seeing a forest as the first HI in the bus :eh: But after that it could be anything. And if I fall asleep a bit too deep I forget what I saw before I fell asleep. But today I still remember seeing a dragon eating something at a cliff and I also saw some people. And I was sort of playing a “game” where I jumped and shoot a person that was attacking me.

And a few times when I thought about something I could actually see it infront of me :cool: It wasn’t that vivid but it was still extremely cool and it sort of felt like I could visualize my thoughts. And at times it was almost like I was in a LD and could do anything. The only problem that I’ve found about sleeping sitting up in the bus is that my bum gets numb after a while :razz:


Jarod ive had the same experiences when i used to travel a lot by train and bus to go to university. At some points i would doze off into HI’s, then open my eyes and see weird stuff in the train that wasnt really there… like weird tables or people laying on the floor and such hehe… :happy:

HI / HH on trains is easier when you’re passing through an area of trees…the sun shining through them and causing the sunlight to flicker through your closed eyelids. i used to spend my entire train trip with eyes closed on the sunny side of the train when i could.

you rarely get the correct frequency of light flicker to trick your brain into thinking you are about to fall asleep, but i think just by expecting it to happen increases the likelihood of HH / HI.

i also think the noises help. they blend and become muted background noise, making it easy for your imagination to go to work.

i love HH!

Wow cool,

I didnt really understand what HI is up to now … and I realised I’ve done it before…

Can I confirm?
I was lying down and drifting off to sleep… It appeared I was entering the sleep stage but my mind was awake… and I started to see images appaer,…I remember seeing a girls face…for a while, then things faded…

is that HI?


:happy: that’s cool reality.failure, i like the idea of using this flickering to change my brain waves!

I’ve had similar experiences too, once I was going to university by bus, I just closed my eyes for a second, and I heard this terrible monstrous scream!!! I snapped out… And the guy next to me looked at me :eh: thought something happened to me! I usually get hypnagogic sounds on the bus or in the car… visuals I only get when I’m actually trying to fall asleep.

yup :smile:

I was wondering if this was HI…I was in bed, trying to go to sleep, and I was thinking about the occurances of the day, when (this is kind of hard to desribe…) this image and talking popped into my head, but I wasn’t thinking about anything like that… if you can translate my psychobabble, was this a HI?

I’ve recently had HIs the last couple of nights. Its usually when I wake up late at night after dreaming, and then I close my eyes (I’m very concious, just very tired) and I start pictruing things (BEAUTIFULLY! last night I pictured a HUGE oak tree thats by my house) I could open my eyes and still be awake, then I’d just fall asleep within like 5 minutes.

yup jules…sounds like HI to me.

if you do a search of the forum for one of the following:

hypnogogic hallucinations
hypnogogic imagery

there have been a few threads about this subject before. also you might find some artwork posted by members who have managed to capture their HH in pixels!
i love reading the HH stories, they all are very unique.

Hypnogogic (also spelt Hypnagogic) Hallucinations or Imagery relate to the images, sounds and feelings we experience as we drift off to sleep or are in a state of relaxation. Hypnopompic Hallucinations are the similar experiences but relate to the times when we are waking up.

i find it difficult to remember a lot of my HH when i wake up…i used to practice HH almost every day and even if they lasted 20 minutes, only the last fragment of the experience would be recalled.

Wow 20 minutes long HH :eek: I’ve had it a few times, it was like I was watching a movie that I could controll. But they seem to last about the same time my LDs do, that is not very long :sad: But HH is very interesting stuff. Once I was listening to a relaxation tape in HH :tongue: Each tape was only a few seconds long so I had to switch them by thinking of pressing a button. But I fell asleep after about 10 seconds or so.

I’ve found that HH is much more easy to remember that HI. In general HH is almost the same as a LD for me, the only difference is that I don’t have a body in HH.

I have had rather un-vivid HIs in the buss in the same way. I don’t need to wake up every 20secs or anything though, because there is a ‘timer’ or something in my subconscious making me wake up whenever I need to. This is usually about 10-20 seconds before I need to get off.