Well I have a question , Whats the point for me to have a lucid dream because when i dream , everything looks blurry and everything is going so fast , For years now when i dream i see nothing in high good quality detail ,I only remembered 2 times that i have seen a really top quality texture dream . Do u guys know what im talking about??? Aneway is there a way i can fix that .
well i have another question . I woke up in the morning , So i went to sleep on my back on the couch , (i never sleep that way but i wanted to sleep that way cause i knew it would wake me up fast) . So i dream that a girl in my room was coming up to me i dident notice her face or her hands or legs all i looked at was her sweater so then i get scared and i knew it was a dream so i wake up , when i wake up i see a the sweater standing exactly were the person was , so i say to myself oh thank god its just a hanged sweater . So then i look at it for a minute , then i go to the kitchen and i came back to the couch and the sweater was gone . lol i was really scared , is this normal??? i remember when i was a kid i used to see people right after a bad dream …
aneway im never control of my dreams , when i have lucid dreams its only for a few seconds and when i want to change something it dosent happen, Is there a way i can fix this? …
usually when i know im dreaming i have a bad dream right after it , The reason i have the bad dream is because i dont want to have a bad dream . So im trying to find out a way so i can be in TOTAL control of my dreams.
That sounds more like a recall problem. And luckily, there’s an easy way to fix this.
When goign to sleep, simply repeat the mantra ‘I will remember my dreams’ in your head until you either fall asleep or get bored of doign so (do it for at least half an hour if you’re not falling asleep).
When lucid, you will also find that saying ‘Increase lucidity now!’ will help, as will simply looking/feeling the things and considering how realistic they are.
Never heard of anything like it. Are you sure you where awake, or fully awake?
You’re only really in control when you’re lucid. Length of LD’s increase over time and with practice. Try staberlising the dream (look at your hands/run your hands/spin around).
To improve your powers, I’ll give you my favourite new motto:
When doing something, don’t hope it will work. Know it will work.
Also, simple rpactice helps to improve to over time.
When you’re lucid, make sure you don’t lose lucidity. This is done by staberlising the dream (see above). Also, taking RC’s every time you wake up or everytime after you had just had a LD will help you to become lucid in these nightmares.
Ok, first about the sweater: I’d say you were hallucinating. If this had happened in the middle of the day while fully awake, you should probably see a doctor about it. But because it happened right after you woke up, there’s nothing to worry about. Completely normal, it’s called a hypnopompic(lol) hallucination.
Well, it could be. But it’s entirely possible that the dreams themselves lack clarity. I actually tested this in an LD, and came to the conclusion that my dreams are about as vivid as an old atari game. So, how do you get more vivid dreams? I’m not sure about this, but I think you could benefit from some simple visualisation exercises. Dreaming and visualising has certain similarities, so it wouldn’t hurt to try at least.
I’m going to assume that’s your normal dreams you’re talking about. No matter how unclear your normal dreams are, your LDs will be more vivid(most of the time, that is). Some say this is a recall issue, though it could be both. So just because your NDs are blurry doesn’t neccessary mean that your LDs will be.
It looks like hypnopompic hallucinations (which is normal), but yours was very long. Perhaps it didn’t disappear immediatly because you found it normal that a sweater was hanging there. Or because it was dark and there was something (shadows, shapes) you could confuse with a sweater. Or because you thought you were fully awake, but weren’t.
If so, you probably will find it easy to reenter in a dream lucidly.