Hi there :) Problems i think..

Okay, i’ve read about this yesterday and think very much i’d like to try it out. i’ve started a dream diary and last night i had 2 dreams, but only can remember 1, but i KNOW i had another.

ill write here what i put down in a sec, first of all i have a few questions.

  1. is doing WILD the only way to become lucid? because it sounds like doing WILD gives you more control over your dreams… because you CHOOSE when you want to go into a dream.

  2. people on here talk about there dreams as if they can see them PERFECTLY like real life, the guy who talked about his first WILD was explaining it like he had just went into the matrix for christ sake, why are my dreams so vague and uncontrolable, i don’t even think about anything when im seeing my dreams so it would be hard to control them…

  3. my dreams seem to be VERY vague, so vague it would be hard to imagine myself actually controlling these dreams because they seem to… “movie-like” where i cant change them.

  4. can somone explain WILD again personally? like what do you do? close your eyes or what?

  5. Due to a childhood… incident i can no longer sleep without the tv on, and i can’t close my eyes for a long period of time when im still awake because i think somone/something is looking at me (when i fall asleep my eyes are closed, its just falling alseep i keep my eyes open) will this be a problem in becoming lucid? (if you want to know more about my incident then please feel free to ask, maybe even one of you guys can even help me)

So anyway, heres what i wrote down last night (exacally how i put it, i think this is important) this is the first dream ever ive actually WROTE DOWN:

"My mum was tourturing me, such as getting a rope and trying to tie my hands up. i then remember looking at my computer screen and viewing these tourture videos. but then the person wasnt me, some chinese man. i remember the videos looking like youtube videos, 7 or 8 list videos on a page. i also remember alot of screaming but cant remember if it was me or not.

i also remember water like a sewer or canal but im not sure why.

the dream was very vague"

i remember also after i woke up, for about 2 seconds i was paralyzed.

So guys… any tips, hints or whatever for me? i’m going to stick as this.

Oh yeah, and hi im new ^^

Firstly welcome :smile: you will find this place to be a fantastic help and the people here are great and always willing to lend a hand.

Now give me a few minutes while i write up a response to your questions.

Welcome again. :content:

i also added a few more questions, sorry about that :happy:

Just before i go on, i would like to tell you something about lucid dreaming. It is a skill worth learning. Sometimes it can be rough or you can feel ilke you are moving too slowly, but, it is a skill that will change your life, but more importantly, change the way that you sleep, which after reading your post i feel would be a very good thing :smile:

ok lets begin.

I too know the feeling of knowing you have had more dreams then you can remember, and with practice this feeling will turn into a slight recall or feeling of the dream, which will in turn lead into full blown memory of it, as real or if not better then memory of an event that has happened to you in waking life recently.

When i first started lucid dreaming, i wrote down 10 words in my dream diary, and i thought that was a lot to write down about a dream. Now, and i am sure that people here can second my response, where i almost write down too much! i now can write down pages and pages, and the memory is even clearer then what i write down.

It takes practice, but the world that you find is one to be amazed by, the more that you remember of it, the more you will be rewarded and the more secrets you will find :wink:

so my tip to you here would be this. dont try to lucid dream for 2 weeks, i know thats hard to do when you first start and you jsut wanna hit it up and lucid dream, but i suggest you send the 2 weeks increasing your dream recall.

The best way to do this would be to keep up what you are already doing, writing in your DJ, just the thought of wanting to remember your dreams will spark a desire, which in turn will lead to better recall. When you wake up, keep your eyes closed if they are still, and let the first thought that comes into your mind be, “what did i just dream?” dont move and let the dream flow through you, try and "feel see taste expereince the dream as if you were having it again, the money will become stonger if you are re expereinceing it again instaed of jsut thinking about it. Dont move untill you feel the dream is concreate, at first this may take a minute but with practice it takes less then a second.

After 2 weeks of writing down your dreams read over your book and look for common dream signs, themese, or events. also notice the improvement in your recall and congratulate your self this is important.

  1. Ok now for a wild… this is different for everyone, but personaly this is how it works for me. It is better if i do this with a technique called WB2B Technique or wake back to bed tech, and it means just that, getting up in the middle of the night getting some water or something and going back to bed.

Wild for me is hard if i try to do it without WB2B, its hard fora lot of people, because your mind is going crazy with the days thoughts and you have to sift through the 90 minute cycle before hitting dream land. I am going to post a report on the dream cycle over the next week so have a read through that if you want to know more.

Anyway, waking up then going back to bed i will lye there and feel all the tension in my body and feel it slipping away, focusing on each area, head face neck arms chest etc etc feel your body become heavy and very relaxed. you will soon enter into a stage known as SP. once you feel your body become heavy, focus on anything bar your body! if you only focus on your body you will not move into the next stage.

So once my body is heavy i focus on images behind my eyes, or sounds tastes. if they are not there already i will imagine them, for example i will focus on a medow with a tree in the middle of it. I will feel the warm sun on my skin, the breeze on my face and the sounds of birds chirping, i will in my mind walk up to the tree and brush my hand up against the bark feeling the rough teture and the sound it makes. Before you know it you are actually dreaming about this sence and you will realise you are dreaming, as this was your intent.

It takes practice, but there have been people who claim it to be the best way… i dont agree with this but each to their own ways.

  1. mmmm ok i feel this is aproblem, not so much with lucid dreaming but with sleeping in general! there is a few things you should do, and one of these is call reconditioning your mind. go to google and type in NP2. Read about brainwave entertainment, read abou the benifts and how it works, then download the program for free and use it. if you want to know how to use this program pm and i iwll walk you through how to set up a program, or iw ill write you one that will help.

This will also help with your problem of feeling someone is watching you in general.

The only problem to lucid dreaming in my expereince is this.


if you beleive you cant you wont, if you think you cant you wont, if you think you can you will and it will be amazing. remember that.

it seems your dream was slightly disturbing, i can interp it, but i feel it is important that you do that your self. One you start looking at your dreams you will start to understand them better, and in turn not only remember them better but find it eaiser to lucid dream. I suggest, if you do have these types of dreams a lot, on focusing on happy thoughts, even if you dont feel that way, getting comdy videos etc and not looking at violet vids b4 sleep. as hard as bad dreams can be when you dont know how to lucid dream, they can be a blessing when you can lucid dream, not only can they act as a dream sign, but it is also a great way to face your fears and negative feels and rgow from it.

SP is normal and you may even learn to enjoy it, a lot of people do :smile:

I suggest taking your time and looking around the forum, getting to know the people and the techniques, finding the ones that work for you and ones you feel wouldnt.

Also please start a DJ, i would like to keep track of your progress and help you when you need it.

If you have any other questions please dont hesitate to PM or write on the forum.

Best of luck and i hope this post has been of some help

No wilding is not the only way to lucid dream. it is just one of many take a look at this area of the forum it will help.Pathways to lucidity

Also here is a link to the dream journal section DJ

There are a lot of quesitons here as well

the quest for lucidity

Wilding is a good way to become lucid for some people, but you still have to go through the 90 minutes cycles of sleep. the first stage is 90minutes before you dream normally… so just remmeber that when you first go to sleep, but if you wake up in the middle of the night if its from a rem period you can fall back into that through a wild right away. IE lucid dream right away.

Your dreams are vauge and uncontrollable for i beleive 2 reasons.

  1. lack of recall, increase this by using your DJ and acting on it and your dreams will become cleaer.
  2. practice.

when you work on both of these you may find you become lucid out of the blue with out doing anything else, but of course the more you work on it the better you will be.

Son you will find, even after 1 week of writing down your dreams that they have become more vivid and life like :smile:

Thanks! :happy: this is going to help alot and im going to read it all again to make sure :happy:

One question though, Is lucid dreaming actually like feeling yourself moving around as if its real life? or is it just imagining yourself doing things in your mind. or can you actually walk around and such (once you know how to do it)

i want you to get up from the computer, and wak outside for a a few seconds. even if it is night. Then after looking around at everything i want you to say this out loud to your self.

" i am dreaming"

and that is what lucid dreaming is like, that is how real it is. I promise. /infact it is more real, colors can be brighter feelings more sensitive, slights and sounds are pure life.

And dont forget, that realness that you see right now… you can fly, you can really walk through walls, hang out with your friends or anyone you like from a famous person to someone who has died and it is just like you are awake… but your not… thats the secert of lucid dreaming. Its a life in its own. But dont forget to ballance your waking life with it too.

Once you have gone outside come back in and write down for me the first thing you would do, if you were going to have a dream that was as real as the expereince you just had. Ill look forward to reading it

Oh my god, if its that real, im very intrested in doing it.

i just went outside and done what you said, its so hard but so exciting to think that a dream could eventually become that intense.

is it wrong to say the first thing id do is have sex with somone? lol…

the second thing would most likly be want to have some kind of super powers if possible… (ever heard of dragonball z?) like them kind of powers, you think that would be possible to do in a dream?

lol congrats.

and just so you knwo, sex is what about 80% of people say so dont worry, infact its a good thing to say. 0 concequences :razz:

yes i have heard of dragon ball Z i know the power you are talking about… here im going to dig up my DJ and send you to a page. have a read its long but it should get you pumped

i’ve just thought, id want to talk to my cousin that died… she was 21. even though its not real it would be so nice to even see her cheery smile again (this must sound so stupid to you) but it would be nice…

Hah… how could i also forget flying!? :happy:

but really, just the experience of being somewhere else would be nice. my life is boring, i sit on my computer like 12 hours a day. if i could experience something else it would be fantastic.

long dream but its epic

takea read of that it has the beamsin it :smile:

it doesnt sound stupid at all, infact if i knew someone close to me that had died i would use lucid dremaing for that just.

I do use it in a sense to see friends im no longer in contact with.

Remember what real is… its just an expereince. Your mind cant determine the difference between what it imangies and what is actually real. to it they are they same, consciousness is what gets in the way and spells it out.

so lucid dream is real. its as real to your mind as you sitting there right now :smile:

Wow that was intresting, so clear detailed too!

how long did it last for you?

around 35 minutes, maybe a little longer, as i left a lot out of what i wrote down. And waking up and falling back asleep really made it last.

So yes, it is possible, anyhting and i mean anything you can imagine is possbile

I’ve been trying to practise WILD since you replyed about the “go outside and say am i dreaming” comment just basically to get a feel of it.

its hard to let my eyes relax, so basically… i lay down, relax and close my eyes… .then…?

Basically because its 12:13pm lol and i woke up about 2 hours ago…

But i’m still going to try it again in a few minutes.

wild topic

here you go mate, i suggest you take a read through the wild section on the forum a lot of your questions ahve been answered there and you will get some good information form some good people who have been doing it

you will get used to the feeling and get better at relaxing. after your body goes heavy focus on the HI not you body then always remember that you want to have a ld. Try and do it after you have been asleep for a while first :smile:

best of luck keep me updated with your progress

Oohhh arnt i suppose to do WILD when im tired? that way i can do it easier…?

Yeah it would be good to do it with WBTB with it.

Oh… can you explain it please -.-