HI Verfication

I’m not sure if I really experienced HI last night,
Is HI is just a random daydream - like?
Because this is how it felt. A random non-controlable daydream.
I expected it to be… different. :eh:

well, could you SEE anything? flashes of colors or more complex things…

I could see, but it was hazzy like a daydream.
I had no flashes,
It was hazzy people or things or people that are things. XD

Well, yeah, it could have been HI then :smile: Usually when we daydream (the majoraty of us, I think) we don’t actually SEE things. Many times I’ve WILD’ed like that, I’d start daydreaming and slowly the things in my mind would start becoming real.

So yeah, even if it was hazzy, I’d say it was HI :happy:

No, I dont think it was HI, HI usually gets more stable and the scenes dont last very long, I’d say you drifted off to sleep and yeah…

Stealing your thread a little.

I woke up 30 minutes before my alarmclock, started thinking about random stuff while trying to go back to sleep and after a while i saw strong visualizations of the stuff i thought about for a few secs. It was like i really saw the visualization in front of me and i was fully aware that i was awake in my bed, was that HI?

I read somewhere about WILD (maybe this site), that first there is random colors, then images, then a movie, then you enter the movie = LD. I think i was between the images-movie phase.

Sounds like HI to me, WASD :wink: and you don’t have to necessarily notice all “HI stages” I usually jump into the clear images pretty quick.

WASD - Thats definetely HI.

LOL does anyone pronounce HI as in High? I do… and it makes it sound wrong lol