I am going to test my electronic skills and attempt to build some lucid dream goggles that flash LEDs at certain times. I should be able to pull it off, the problem is I am not quite sure what times to get them to flash…do any of you have any suggestions? i was thinking perhaps every 47 minutes?
You could have them to flash every 10 minutes or so even. As long as the LEDs aren’t too bright it’s not a problem to have them flashing too often. I tried this but I didn’t use a mask, I put the LEDs on the walls beside my bed and had them pointed at my eyes. It didn’t work that well, I only remember seeing flashing lights once in a dream. But I also had bad recall during that time.
I’ve got no experience, but I don’t think it is good to let them flash every 10 minutes. Could perhaps prevent you from going into deep sleep, and therefore cause a less restful night. On the other hand you might grow so used to it that it is just useless.
Are the 47 mins based on some calculation? I mean, it’s perhaps not bad, but why not 45 or 50 or something?
REM is said to occure aproximately every 90 mins, so 45 could give you a good chance to hit at least one cycle.
Perhaps slightly off-topic, but could anyone tell me:
Are the 90 mins suppoused to be the time that passes between the REMs, or is the REM period part of the 90 mins?
To make it clear:
Let’s just keep it simple and assume every REM lasts for 10mins. Is it like that:
0-90 mins after falling asleep non-rem
90-100 rem
100-190 non-rem
190-200 rem
200-290 non-rem
or like that:
0-90 nrem
90-100 rem
100 - 180 nrem
180 - 190 rem
190 - 270 nrem
270 - 280 rem
280 - 360 nrem
Ok, this way it doesn’t matter that much, but in reality your REMs can be longer than 10mins. Anyone knows about it?
Its a hard thing to try and get. So if a sleep period is 90-100 minutes i got 47 because that is around about half that. I should probably go even futher and half that…say every 23.5 minutes it gives off a flash. Thats enough to get to sleep I think. so I could set them and wait 23 minutes until I go to sleep and it should be pretty close hopefully. Anyone else have any ideas on what times to set them
Also what would be the best kind of flash? what brightness in lux level should I use?
You could maybe use 0.5 sec flashes, and then off for 1 second, and they have then flash for maybe 5-10 seconds. And you have to try a little until you get the proper brightness. You don’t have to get those superhigh intensity LEDs. Regular ones should work just fine and they are cheaper I had highintensity but I had to turn them down a lot. And I think that red ones are best, or atleast that’s what the novadreamer use.
If you have them flashing too long you might wake up from them and if they flash too short you might not notice them. In short you have to experiment with the settings quite a bit to find some that suit you.