Hitchhikers guid to the dream world

Im a huge fan of Hicthikers guid to the galaxy, and I was thinking about how it compares to lucid dreaming. You hitch a ride to the dream world, and the hitchhikers guid is our dream journal teaching us everything we need to know about our dreams. Its pretty cool when you think about it. I put “Dont panic” on my dream jounal. All I need now is a dream towel LOL. I love it. The book Hitch hikers guid to the galaxy is so so inspiring. You may ask the question to a DC… What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything, and you are more likly to get an answer like 42. So my fellow LD hitchikers. Keep hitching rides on your dreams, and become lucid… And above all Dont panic

Thankyou Douglas Adams. You were truley a gift to the world. RIP. Of corse I was really surprised to learn he was an Athest, because the book is so spiritual. Anyway enjoy your guid to the dream world, as you search for the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Now some dreams we dont get to hitch a ride (ND), and lucid dreams are the ones we get a ride to. Infant probabelety. Anything can happen in our dreams… "Aurther? Yes, I think Im a sofa… I know how you feel.

Oh man, I loved that comparison! I hadn’t thought of it before. Which reminds me, I should look again for the second book, I could never find it here :sad:

It makes me want to make a guide to my dreams. I mean the DJ is cool, but it’s a journal. It would be cool to make a guide, something closer to an encyclopedia with dream signs and characters from our dreams :content:

And I’ve found out through my erm, “spiritual growth”, lets call it that, that atheism means only not believing in god, not necessarily not being spiritual!


I dont want to vear too far off topic here, but Im still confused on Atheisem. What is the deffinition of spirituality, and dosnt it allso mean you dont believe in life after death. I respect Athiest, like anyother belefe, but Its really the hardest for me to understand.

I do not think there is a middle ground like Mattias is explaining. I’m more of a logical type. Either you believe in something higher, or not. Now the confusion, I believe comes from the semantics (doctrine/rules) that are associated with religion. The term God is misconscrewed quite often. A spiritual Atheist? Oxymoron, either they are very confused… or very confused.

BACK TO THE TOPIC. I saw the movie, I got a little lost. But I can understand the metaphor. We are taken to our dreams, hitching, more than we go to dreamworld. It seems rather unintended in most people. Weird, right…???

You were surprised that he was an athiest? That’s silly. He’s satirical about spirituality, if anything. He strictly makes fun of religion actually. For instance, here is an excerpt from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy…

"The argument goes something like this: I refuse to prove that I exist,' says God, for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.’

But,' says Man, The Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn’t it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don’t. QED.’

Oh dear,' says God, I hadn’t thought of that,’ and promptly vanished in a puff of logic."

How could I make my journal into more of a guid? I allways write in the front of my journal instructions for WILD, MILD, and WBTB. I allso have written reocurring DC,s so that I will do a RC when I see them, like my two spirit guids Amy, and Victor. I dont really like dream dictionarys, because I think your dream symbols have personal meaning. I thing dream dictionarys are a wast of money. I know it sounds silly to want to do this, but I think it would be a entersting new way to go about LDing, and make it a little funner, and more adventurest. So any ideas on how to make it into more of a journal/hitchikers guid? You could maybie make a dictionary of some dream symbols in your journal in the back of your book. By the way. I hitched a ride lastnight via nightmare. My dream catcher must need cleaning, because it let a bad dream through.
I guess what Im trying to do is to make the journal into a better tool for lucid dreaming. I allso (I know it sounds silly), but I put this New age CD I have in the back of the book, I tapd the case on the back. It really does help inspire dreams, and when Im going through a dry spell the music inspires me spiritualy. I want to make my DJ as interactive as possible. I allso put pics in it that are dreamy looking. I saw this one pic in the papper, it is a women in a wedding dress on a stormy sea fishing, it really does look like something you would see in a dream. I have another picture of a deer walking up to this kid. Give your DJ a overhaul it is after all a key to entering your dreams.
Here is a good example of a personal dream deffinition I have. Its in a AP entry I have, and its called “Dream sand” I disscovored that by pouring sand over my body while Im APing, or maybie even lucid, that it increases my astral vibration. So I wrote on the oposite page of the dream… Astral sand-- Sand used in Astral projection by pouring over your body which increases your vibration. Now Astral sand may not work for everyone, but your journal is a personal record. This is just an example. Remmber the "Astral hippies. I allso have a deffinition for them. So do you understand what Im going for here. Please share any ideas you may have to make our journals more effective.

Atheists do not believe in the existence of gods. However, atheism does not preclude belief in other supernatural or religious concepts unrelated to theistic belief (such as belief in an afterlife).

George H. Smith would agree with you. He believes that

He then goes on to discuss agnosticism, but I’m not going to get into that here.

Not necessarily. It depends on how you define “spiritual.” If the “spiritual” belief is unrelated to theistic belief, then it is compatible with atheism.