LD-wise, would it be better to have my curtains open or closed?
I’m in a bright area and I have thick curtains, so it’s either pitch black or really bright.
I’m not so worried about the quality of my sleep, in fact, I could go to sleep earlier if I was piss tired.
So, would it be better to have the curtains open? I was thinking it could possibly make it easier to do RCs and record my dreams, as I would wake up in the middle of the night (happens without fail).
i’d say try it out for yourself. I can’t sleep when it’s light outside, but on the other hand, when you naturally wake up because it’s light outside, it might help you with WBTB.
For me, i sleep better when the curtains are closed and it’s nice and dark.
And if it’s not too bright, then I won’t wake up in the middle of the night! I actually woke up last time, as usual.
And the curtain RC thing would be a good idea, but then I won’t wake up to be able to do an RC. I have other methods, like the one on the LD4all main page. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I pinched my nose and tried to breath, tried to put my finger through my hand and tried to levitate. Didn’t work, at least I’m getting used to RC’s.