Holocaust Teaching Removed From Some British Schools

Britain’s children are the most unhappiest because it’s one of the worst countries for drinking, drugs, racism and bullying, not to mention that Britain has some of the crappiest parents on the planet, families that have no idea how to behave together and a lot of divorces. I could go on, but I’m getting bored.

All of it scared you and upset you? No ■■■■, Sherlock. The Nazi’s put people in ovens, gassed them and did unthinkable experiments on them. Because they were Jewish. The thing’s I mentioned are only the start of a long list. How can you only suggest that school’s only teach you happy things? If schools did that, children would be brainwashed in the most awful way imaginable. Children need to be taught about this, they need to know what happened. Schools can’t pretend this didn’t happen because it wasn’t a happy thing. I’m afraid that theory cuts absoloutley no ice with me , and I doubt that many others will be impressed either. Because this wasn’t a happy event children have to learn about it. The Jewish people were put through living hell and people need to know. You propose that we pretend this never happened and deny these children the right to know about it (in case you spring this point on me, I do not believe that pre-teens would choose this topic for themselves, given the choice). How can you even suggest it?

And the thought that this is happening, that people are ignoring this because an Islamic minority in our society does not accept this event occured, sickens me.

This incredibly important thing is not being taught because this Islamic minority do not agree with it and because of that they don’t want anyone to learn about it. Even begining to defend this is ridiculous.