Horizontal in ND's?

Hi guys. I wanna share an odd dream (ND) I had a while ago. Ok, here is a small part of it from memory.

I was in the back seat of a large luxury van. We were heading to the beach apparently. Now this dosn’t seem odd, right? Well, after having a small conversation with some DC’s, I realized that I was lying down on the seat. The seat was larger than it should have been.

So, WTF was going on here?!?

Hm. I find many things to be disproportionate (disproportional?) in dreams. For example, I notice that many times I’m about the same height as my counter in dreams, but IWL, I’m at least a foot taller…

You’re not crazy. I think. Unless we’re both crazy… And I might be crazy…[/offtopic]

Yes, it’s just that things (at least to me) can be disproportionate/al in dreams.

I was just wondering if that had anything to do with the fact that I was lying down in my dream… sorry if I didn’t make that clear…

Oh. Well, I don’t suspect it would have anything to do with you lying down. Otherwise, we would experience more dreams with us lying down. I mean, most everyone whose DJ’s I’ve read through were doing something, and I don’t think they were lying down in them (in the dream). I think it was just coincidental.