Last night I woke up from my alarm (I set it for around 7am) and threw on my headphones to listen to the lucidremix.mp3.
I created a blank mp3 (6 mins long) to put in front of it so I would fall asleep before the lucidremix mp3 kicked in.
My problem is I couldn’t fall asleep before the actual mp3 started so I listened to it falling asleep.
What happened with me was that it was more of an “almost” WILD. I was listening to it and I got the numby feeling all over my body (like people have described) and sometimes (with my eyes closed) everything would get more and more white. My heart was also pounding. From there I couldn’t get into a dream state, or rather, create a dream from there.
Any tips for me so that I can get a dream started?
(Other than that, I’m going to put more empty mp3’s in front of the lucidremix mp3 so that I hopefully fall asleep before it kicks in.)
How long where you in that state? How long have you been trying WILD? More information might be helpful, you know.
Anyway, about the mp3, if you want it to kick in while you’re sleeping, I know that some players have the ability to have an alarm, playing the music whenever the alarm is set. Unless it’s just my mp3 player…
Since you haven’t tried WILD much at all, as you put it, maybe you were just a little too alert to fall asleep. Also, I find that I can’t fall asleep easily when I am listening to talking and to lesser extent even singing, If I understand the language. I think it makes me think too much. So maybe if you’re like that too you should just increase the silence.