How can I get better control of my LDs?

I had a lucid dream this morning, and after having it I’ve started thinking about the unpleasant things that might occur in an LD, since through my LD today I was a bit afraid the whole time of something bad happening. I simply tried to ignore it, but sometimes a little something would slip in (nothing too bad, though). For instance, I was afraid that someone would restrain me and start tickling me, which I very much dislike in real life and sometimes fear in dreams, and when I passed my dad in my dream I was afraid he would do something, and he poked me in the side to tickle me. Nothing too bad, I guess.

Later in the dream, there was a car pulling into a house that I was near, and I was afraid of who would be inside it and where it was headed. I tried to ignore by petting a nearby dog. When it pulled into a driveway I saw the person inside, looking at me, and I found the way the person looked to be disturbing. After that I noticed a couple people to my right on a lawn and I was afraid of them, too. I decided to try flying to get my mind off of it, and my dream ended shortly after.

I’d also like to note that when I left my house in the dream the air was cold. It was a little bit unpleasant simply because it was cold, but I found it interesting because I was experiencing temperature quite realistically.

I don’t want to be afraid in my lucid dreams, I want to be able to enjoy them and control any disturbing or unpleasant things that might pop up, and I want more control in general. In my LD today, I ran outside onto the street and noticed it was dark outdside, with overcast skies. I wanted to make the sun come up, so I faced the sky, held my hands up and said, “Sun, rise and shine light on the world!” or something to that effect. I continued shouting for a while, saying things such as, “This is my world!! I can control what I want!!!” But nothing happened. The sun never came up. How can I get better control of my world LDs, and how can I stop being afraid in them? I’m thinking the very fact that I am afraid in dreams is what causes bad stuff to happen, but I find it very difficult to not be afraid knowing that anything can happen.

I had similar concerns during my waking hours, but as I had more and more LDs, situation changed.

First of all, there was no such thoughts in my dreams.
Second, most of LDs are very pleasant or neutral.

Third, and most important, you have great control in a LD, which allows you to avoid unpleasant situations.

Another good thing is : if you will find yourself in unpleasant/dangerous situation, your “LD adrenaline” kicks in and you have almost absolute control.
What it means is: you will be able 'to pull most unusual and daring tricks without failures (like I pulled a gun from my pocket, or materialized sword directly in my hand right in front of me) < these tricks never work when there’s no danger…

LDs are very special. You will only fail in case you’ll belive you will fail.

yeh, you can go crazy, in my last LD i was naked on a bus, and my LD uhoh power alloed me to materialize cloths when i usually cannot

I also once created a pistol and shot some people when i went crazy

also created a barbarian army to raid a dinner party

ok, i was really pissed off at that point

Practice mostly lol.

ok now that wasnt a very fair answer was it :razz:

one of the most important things that i can think of is this: its your dream and you are the one creating the fear. In real life we are the ones creating the fear but we do not have any control over the situations that are presented in our dreams it is totaly diffrent. When you see your dad in the dream and you think he is going to tickle you turn and face him and say “this is my dream, do not tickle me i hate it” then walk on by. when you see the people in the car and they give you that look walk right up to them and face them and give them that look back and tell them to look away.

Face your fears and then they will not rule you anymore you will rule them