In every lucid dream I’ve had lately, I step outside and it is always night time. I usually wake up because it’s too dark. I’ve tried to expect it to be bright before I step out the door, I’ve tried yelling for it to be brighter, and I’ve tried waving my arm across the sky like I could control the sky and make it brighter. Once when I waved my arm, a sun appeared in the middle of the sky but it was still as black outside as before. Nothing seems to work. I don’t know what else to do, does anyone have any ideas?
the time it was dark in my ld i just pointed at the moon and it spun around a couple of times and then the sun came out
I like the night-time LDs! They’re very… dark.
I’ve done this very often but never really had any problems with it. When it doesn’t work at first, repeat to yourself that everything you see is the product of your mind. Keep a flexible mind and strengthen your will that whatever you think will have an outcome in the dream. This might take some practice.
Do not try bending the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth… there is no spoon. Then you’ll see it’s not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.
Good luck!
You could also try teleporting to somewhere brighter. Spinning, jumping through the wall/mirror/TV etc.
I understand that it must be difficult to just “make it brighter” in your LD. Very often in LDs, I feel like my subconscious is working against me. Last night in an LD, it was raining a lot. It was raining so much it was annoying. So, I tried to make it stop. I didn’t succeed, of course, the rain just kept on pouring.