I"ve been wanting to get back into lucid dreaming for a while after a long break but i know i want to do it but I always just get caught up in the day and at nite am so tired that i just fall asleep unconsciously. How can i get hyped again??? I want that will and fire to lucid dream that i once experienced where i don’t even have to try to remember b/c i’m thinking about them involuntarily. Mabye i need to reread one of my dreaming books.
Try reading the “Fav thing to do in an LD” thread, or parts of it, etc. Consider using a small mark on your hand to remind yourself to do reality checks.
Well think about this. You only live so many year, and you “waste” 60+ years of your life sleeping, well with LDing you are not really wasting anything you are conscious doing things other people could only DREAM of! You basically live twice as long.
I read somthin like that out of Laberge’s book. That motivated me again I had to start all over from square one hah