A lot of people say that the base factor for having a LD is having good dream recall. Ever since I started making a journal, I’ve been able to recall anywhere from 1 to 5 dreams a night. Very rarely is there a night where I don’t remember any. So how can I put this into good use for inducing LDs?
Well you can use it to find out your dream signs.
Look for some tie in all your dreams that does not exsist in RL.
As Bio mentioned, the next step is to identify common dreamsigns. These are reoccurring events, characters or situations which are unique to you. For example, you might commonly dream about establishing a relationship with a particular person whom you know from real life, or perhaps you find yourself frequently dreaming about working a previous job (big one for me). Ideally these should be events which don’t occur commonly in real life. The point is to be able to use them to recognize when you’re dreaming.
After compiling a short list of dreamsigns, you simply have to build an association between the items on your list, and dreaming. Tell yourself that you intend to recognize these events in future, and use them to become aware of the dream. If applicable, it’s also a good idea to perform reality checks when something in real life reminds you of one of your dreamsigns. Eventually, the goal is to define a link in your mind between these particular events, and lucid dreaming.
In my case, I frequently dream about going to work at my old job, which I left over a year ago. Since I’ve been persistently trying to link this action with lucid dreaming, I now find myself inadvertently doing reality checks whenever I’m reminded of my old job. This has proven quite successful, and I’ve enjoyed quite a number of lucid dreams that emerged from this particular example.