how can i remember long LD's better

i know i have been having realy long LD’s lately. when i wake up though i only remember bits and pieces. can any one suggest any thing that will help other then waking my self up before it ends i want it to be long, or writing my dreams down i have been doing that. any way thanks to who all can help.

What helps me remember better is actually stopping and taking some time inside the dream to recall what I have done, then I would carry on. It also helps stabilize and increase your lucidity, since you’re probably doing all sorts of things.
Also, once you wake up don’t move or open your eyes. Let your dream come back to you slowly, just don’t think, let it come. Haha, it sounds difficult I know. :razz:

What gwee said. Recalling or going over what happened in your lucid dream is a great way to avoid forgetting it. Another thing you can try is forcefully waking yourself up on purpose from the lucid dream, after you did what you wanted to do. This will make sure you don’t lose lucidity or go into NREM sleep before waking up.

thank you gwee this does help and im back on track now.

I had the same problem, well I still do. Sometimes it seems like the dream lasts and lasts and with time(dream time) we forget what we did dream even though dream is vivid.

Sometimes it’s good to end the dream if you feel like the dream is going for some time. I’ve done that. It helped me to record more precise details and it feels like I’m in control over everything.

Everything StarryGwee said stands. Although sometimes it’s very hard for me to stop in a dream. For some reason I need to move forward it’s like some “force” is pulling me forward. And sometimes when I do stop the blackness surrounds me like the dream moves on but I stop and at the end I wake up.

Strange but true… Well try what is suggested and see how it goes.

Good luck! :content: