How can I stop having lucid dreams?

Damn, I would give my soul just if someone gave me his diet plan…

Would have been nice if we would have figured out what suddenly caused this lucid dream state of this guy. Anomalies usually are a great opportunity to learn more about a subject.

My best guess would have been that his “change of life style” might have a caused compulsive thinking about food or perhaps non-smoking. Like anorexia, but in his case not a compulsive thought about fat and calories, but a compulsive thought in WL that worked like a RC in his dreams. Most people with very frequent luid dreams have some sort of compulsive thought in WL that triggers lucid dreams in their sleep, like “how did I get here?”, “is this real?” or checking their watch every minute.

I have a quick question about the blue light thing, I recently have been trying WILD a ton, I often get really close (Sounds, swirling colors and all that) But I always mess up and move after reaching 200 (I do the 1 I’m dreaming, 2 I’m dreaming and so on). The computer in my room, the keyboard and the mouse all glow blue, and are on as I fall asleep. Unless I read your post horribly wrong that would mean it would be counter productive to my lucid dreaming attempts and dream recall to sleep with them on. So should I turn off the blue lights as I go to bed, would it help a lot?

Sorry about posting in a zombie thread, I just thought it would be easier to post it here than creating a new thread.

You could just experiment with it. Turn off the monitor, all lights and see if it makes a difference.

You should notice a deeper sleep without it, whether that helps your LDing, I don’t know.

…dont know what to think of this thread, i mean…this guy probably is also registered at some erectile-dysfunction forum, starting threads like “how can i stop having strong erections” or so…

@ Neo You can’t just assume everyone in a liar, sometimes you just have to hope they have good intentions when asking these kind of questions.
@Lantzzy thanks, I’ll start trying and expermenting with the lights :content:

from reading the comments here obviously i am not the only one who thinks this thread stinks a little, if this person isnt (or “wasnt”, he doesnt even visit this forum anymore) just making fun and really has that problem, then its surely not him being constantly lucid, but rather him just not being able to USE his lucid dreams to his advantage.

but from a psychological point of view this thread is paradox to begin with, i mean just examine the main problem of this guy, he is soooo bored with his lucid dreams that he wants them to stop. Its a miracle to me how a person who finds his lucid dreams soooooo boring and asking to stop them, doesnt complain that his REAL LIFE isnt sooooo boring as well and how to stop it.

lets pretend this guy is all real, FOR SURE his problem arent his lucid dreams, his problems are somewhere else then…you just dont feel tired all day long because you were lucid the whole night, but you probably feel so tired when you constantly wake up from lucid dreams but then again youre not tired from lucid dreams, youre tired from all those sleep interruptions, someone who has expierience with lucid dreams would know that but obviously this guy doesnt has any.

…and there are even more odditities in his claims but i think i better stop coz probably someone thinks i am steppin on his toes…

@Neo: The person that originally posted this thread may no longer be around, but I AM and I have the same problem. Constantly having lucid dreams is extremely tiring. Maybe you shouldn’t disrespect people when you have idea about their problems.

Maybe my dreams were tiring because I was usually a ninja or some Gerneral/Leader in a war. Or it could just be that being aware and making decisions in your dreams is just as exhausting as it is in real life, except you can’t just climb into bed at the end of the day and have a great nights sleep that makes all your problems go away.

It’s true that a lot of people are on here because they would like to LD, or at least LD more so it’s easy to understand how you might not be able to see that it’s like everything else in life, You can have too much (possibly with the exception of love).

So what ? In my dreams i often get chased through cornfields, have to climb through ventilation systems, dive in water, i am in middle of wars, sometimes i am fully stressed with fighting aliens and at the same time escaping them on a space-ship which is about to explode…and i am never tired of it nor do i feel tired during the day because of those dreams.

Come on you dont have to make life-important decisions for hours and hours while being lucid in your dream.
Sorry but you come here and blame lucid dreams for your problems with being tired during daytime, thats bullsh**, did you ever thought your actual problems like being tired is something far else than lucid dreams itself ? A lucid dream cant “exhaust” you in any way like a normal dream would exhaust you, if lucid dreams would exhaust you than normal dreams would exhaust you as well…probably even more because in a normal dream youre at times stressed and scared but being lucid youre all relaxed and easy, feeling well and great and feeling even better when you wake up.

You and this guy seem to suffer some serious problem and obviosly try to blame lucid dreams, sorry i cant follow you and i have to say i feel like being bullshitted if someone tells me “my dreams exhaust me and then i am tired during daytime”, i absolutely cant follow that.

All though having a lucid dream or such a streak usually has a refreshing effect, I could understand that having them all your life constantly can be tiring.

Your mind after all has to think and make actions to some degree.

Here is how you might solve the problem:
Fall asleep and get a lucid dream (If you don’t get it, then you’ve accomplished your goal :tongue: ). Instruct your subconscious to give a normal dream and to shut off your consciousness during it.

You wouldn’t believe how strong messages to the subconscious mind can be:
From getting rid of phobias and anchoring feelings to changing your view of the world and getting rid of addictions.

Hypnostists and NLP practitioners know this.

Focus on that thought and expect to loose control over your dream. Lay down and fall asleep.
Repeat until you succeed.

Even if you don’t, and you should, your brain won’t be that busy if you lay down and do nothing 'till the dream fades away. Good luck!

P.S. I’m no moderator, but I think they all would agree that everyone should stop fighting and show a bit more respect :smile:

How should that possibley be the case ? If constant lucid dreams would tire a person, then normal dreams would tire them as well so then we would all be so tired after our dreams. Why could someone think that the thoughts in a normal dream arent exhausting but the thoughts in a lucid dream can be exhausting ??? Being lucid just changes the fact that youre getting aware of your dream, the thoughts itself are the same, no matter if lucid or not, if you have a nightmare during a normal dream, youre scared and run away, if youre lucid, you are not scared and you dont run away, because you know youre dreaming, so how could that possible be exhausting a person in any way ???

…and in a normal dream your mind has not to think and make actions to some degree ???

Fighting ??? This is a discussion and nothing more, one claims something and the other one claims the opposite, you do know discussions are like that do you ? I thought thats what forums are here for, to communiate and to discuss, but if there is anyone easyly offended by whatever they might find offensive, then please let me know and i will try to talk a different way.

Someone claims lucid dreams are the reason for his…whatever problems he has, and i discuss and try to explain why this cant be possible and that from a logical and psychologic point of view its impossible that lucid dreams would tire out persons but normals dreams wouldnt.

EDIT: Okay there can be one aspect of lucid dreaming which could have an effect on a person, but i dont know if that effect would be positive or negative. If i remember right then scientists claim that dreams are here so that our subconscious mind deals with the events happening in our life, now if we would be lucid every night, i assume our subconscious mind cant deal with the events happening in life because a person does what it wants and the subconscious mind doesnt has its full freedom within the dream coz the dreamer creates his own dream…now if that could cause being tired the day after too many lucid dreams, then it could believe that.

That’s what I’ve been doing. I’ve been LD free for a month now, but took a month of trying before I could consciously turn off my lucidity while in a dream. It was pretty funny when it actually happened because my brain went “Awh, I’m dreaming” then responded with “That’s alright” and that was that. Lucid period ended.

Now I’m trying to have on demand LD.

This is exactly it, not being able to slip away to Lala land.

Well, this is a contradiction, isn’t it?
How does it have the same thoughts when you would respond differently when you are lucid?
Running away and fighting the monster isn’t the same, obviously.

There is a big difference. In normal dreams, your mind is given certain things (that happened during the day) to process. If nothing relevant happened, your mind processes nonsense. It does not have to think and make somewhat important decisions. It just processes things during the state we call dreaming.

But when you are lucid, you are aware of that, and can change things at will. You can decide anything or make anything happen.

Having LDs irregularly doesn’t have that effect tho.

Well, I don’t know what your intentions were, but saying he’s ‘‘bullshitting’’ didn’t seem very friendly. OK if it wasn’t your intention, it just seemed so.

After all, he’s more familiar with his experiences than you are, and if he wakes up very tired after sleeping, the first logical thing to blame would be his sleep.


Obviously he is not, otherwise he would know how to deal with his lucid dreams and wouldnt be in such trouble to seek help here…but most of all…

I clearly mentioned its wrong to blame LUCID DREAMS for being so tired all day long, and if you look deeper into his message then its obvious why he probably is so tired during daytime:

“The problem is I can no longer get a decent nights sleep, I am plauged by lucid dreams and have at least 5 of them every night. The next day I wake up and feel like I haven’t had enough sleep.”

…he claims to have AT LEAST 5 (!!!) of them EVERY NIGHT, so when its right what he claims then he wakes up 5 times and falls asleep again to enter the next lucid dream, at least five times every night. Paradox! Because he first claimed he is lucid constantly and often sits around in his dreams to wait what happens, now if he wakes up so often then its not one constant lucid dream as he made it look like at first.

…man if i wake up at least five times during my sleep, and that every night, then i am exhausted and tired during daytime as well, but then i have to get more control over my lucid dreams so that i dont wake up five or more times and stay lucid during the whole night.

Anyway, if hes so expierienced with is lucid dreams as you claim that (you dont even know him personly but only the 7 posts he made here, so please try to stay with the obvious facts and not with his claims to be lucid constantly) he would have learned how to stay lucid so that he doesnt wake up 5 or more times during the night and then probably wouldnt be so exhausted anymore…but probably he has a weak bladder and thats why he wakes up so often from his “constant lucid dreams”

Familiarity does not equal skill.
We have guides and all the techniques here.

Depends on person’s views.
Some can have 5 different environments and situations without waking up and call it 5 different dream, while others consider them to be different only if they wake up in between them.

We even had a topic about it.

Even if it’s completely untrue that his lucid dreams are responsible, it’s his opinion and he thinks that they are even tho he could be wrong.
I don’t see how that’s ‘‘bullshitting’’.

After all, if he’s wrong or not does not matter to me that much, him getting the desired results does.

Love that. That’s just the thing we need in this world.

…now dont tell me your alarm-bells went off because i used the word “bullshit”.

Ok Obi-Wan, i understand…

…yes yoda…and i am an evil sith.

…easy fellas, i am not here to step onto anyones toes, i just have a certain way with words and while others are amused with that, others may feel offended, sorry for that. :smile:

My alarm bells did not go off because that word is considered to be swearing, but because of it’s meaning.

It’ all OK :smile:

I hope you don’t ‘‘step on anyone’s toes’’ in the future, I’m sure you will find this to be a nice place.

This is the first time I’ve ever seen anyone ever want to stop having lucid dreams. I would consider trying something else other than getting rid of them beforehand first.