How can I stop having lucid dreams?

I definitely want to probe into something said here, and hopefully as somebody who doesn’t lucid dream every night it doesn’t seem that I’m being naive or rude.

You mention that the amount of “different” dreams is dictated by the amount of concepts our brains have been exposed to, and I suppose that logic is sound. But how do you define that number of concepts? I ask about this because I’ve found a lot of people that claim to have too many lucid dreams aren’t aware of what it actually means to experience everything possible in a lucid dream; we may ask about a dream in which the person did such and such a thing, only to hear something like “Why would I do that, it’s stupid/juvenile/uninteresting” or “Wait, you can do that kind of thing?”. They’ve seen many concepts, but never felt like exploring some of them in a dream, instead locking themselves into concepts they found it “safe” or “normal” to dream about.

If you have a pool of dreams that you’re pulling from and changing small details as you claim, then you could ask yourself if you’ve really, really tried to escape that small selection. Somebody that believes to have experienced every possible lucid dream based on the concepts their brain knows should readily have an answer for a completely random question about them, so I should be able to approach such a person and say “Hey, so how was it spending a dream as King Kong?” and get an answer (and if you do have an answer for that one, then I guess I need to ask a crazier question).

I really struggle to believe that people can experience every concept their brain has ever been exposed to. In the worst case, if you’ve truly experienced everything that your brain could, there are some lucid dreamers that lead a second life of sorts in dreams, with reoccurring characters and places. Another member, Faith42, had a personal world that she visited for the longest time in all of her lucid dreams, with its own special rules; some lucid dreamers have completely different forms in their lucid worlds and/or have dreamscapes in bizarre settings or with fantasy elements.

I would encourage you to look through our lucidity challenges and quests as well as the Tasks of the Month on DreamViews; browsing these would be a quick way to see if you’ve experienced as much as you think. Nothing is too crazy to be a worthy lucid dream. If I’m wrong and you’ve truly done it all, then I apologize in advance: “everything” is a difficult concept for us that don’t lucid dream as often, and I’ve found some that do lucid dream constantly that limit themselves or don’t think out of the box, so I’m asking for my understanding and for the benefit of any such people.

So what you really need is just a break from being aware. Did you try meditating in your dreams, to force your brain off? It’s a long-shot though.

Well it’s 2:29 AM here when I’m typing to this line. I was awake from another lucid dream… another unwanted one, given with an exploding head symdrome. I’m from Asia for u guys who wondered about my time zone. After some google on how to stop these, I got here.

To be honest, several months ago there were tons of posts on 9gag & facebook about lucid dreaming. I was eager to try it, I did manything but nothing happened so I just gave up.
Then life gets hard, it’s kinda privately but shortly I’m facing a chance of my life.
I don’t know if it’s related to the constant lucid dreams I’m having for the past month. Tonight is the 5 times, and all I wanted is a blank & dreamless sleep. I would be very happy if this happened some other time in my life.

I’ve tried many thing, I tried scratching whenever I feel itchy before sleep, I turn my body whenever I want to; everything that prevent triggering lucid dream that I’ve read several months ago are all useless.
I’m surely aware of the reason I’m getting more tired days by days. It’s not about the lucid dream itself, it’s about my sleep is interrupted and my life is getting hard. It was really a treasure moment when I had a dreamless sleep, I woke up with full of happiness you know…
I don’t know what happened but when I was about to have a lucid dream, I just don’t want to do it anymore, so I tried to wake up immediately and sometimes encountered a sleep paralysis…

And last time which just happened, I remembered seeing me wake up. Before that I see something like, when I sit up, there was another part of me trying to lie down the bed. When I stand up I thought “just fuk it”, then I lied down the bed again, having a dream but I couldn’t control it for like 5 minutes. Then I woke up fully.
It scared me because that “just fuk it” part was so blur right now, it felt like a dream but It was still so real. I’m afraid there will be a time when I lost my mind and couldn’t realize which is a dream and which is real life.

I’ve changed my diet recently too, for a better bed-life with my girlfriend. If you think this is worth noting, I’ll listed it below the post.
I think I’ll go to the doctor this weekend and get some neuroleptic. Don’t know if it helps tho.

About the diet: I greatly reduce the amount of red meat, now I mostly eat white ones. Having rice is a default for Asian, and I’m using it along with lots of chayote, “water morning glory” (as the dictionary said lol), chinese cabbage, tomatoes and some other South East Asia vegetables; using with fish sauce and mayonnaise combined. When I’m kinda fed up I switch to one of these tofu, pineapple, kimchi and a local soup of tomatoes & egg glair which is my favourite soup, called “cloudy soup” in my language l
In short, cut red meats, use lots of vegetables except cabbage family (I love chinese cabbage so it’s an exception lol), cauliflower & broccoli.

I don’t know if anyone has suggested this yet, but have you tried using your lucid dreaming to find a way to deal with it?

For example, finding a sage or guru in your lucid dream and asking for help/guidance?

I have the same DANNNG problem.

I read through all these post’s that yall posted and have come to a conclusion that non natural lucid dreamers DO NOT UNDERSTAND what it is like to want to quit. I have tired so many ways, but it seems like there’s never a way to stop it unless when you have to write a very important paper in the library and you just crashh!

But yes, I kind if dislike it when people say “why would you want to stop?!?” or “I wish I had that” or even when people go beyond limits to try to have lucid dreams. Just let it come to you naturally. Usually if you start at a VERY young age, it is easier to have them because it comes naturally, but when you’re older and try to have them at a constant pace, it’s not going to work. Just be thankfull that you can have a good night sleep!! Because I haven’t had that in SO LONG.

Well anyways, if something does work for someone, please let me know. :smile:

Like you mentioned, lucid dreaming itself is not the source of your problem. And with exploding head syndrome, perhaps seeing a neurologist would be a good idea. If you want dreamless sleep, I hear sleeping pills can sometimes have that effect.
But ultimately, if you’re stressed, stopping lucid dreams or dreaming in general won’t stop the stress itself. Is there something you’re avoiding?
And like Presence33 suggested, you can use this to your advantage and ask for advice in your dreams to deal with the core issue.
Confusing waking life and dreams is only a possible risk if you have existing neurological issues. Lucid dreaming itself does not cause this. Again, might be worth checking if you feel it’s an issue.

I have lucid dreams every night. The only difference between LD’s and NLD’s is the awareness. These dreams should not cause you to feel unrested. This is usually the result of a diet, inconsistent sleep, or a sleep disorder (like sleep apnea).

I have these dreams nearly every night of my life and I wake up shattered and in tears from exhaustion. It is not fun. you are not in REM sleep relaxing because your are awake - there is no rest. to Cant sleep - try reducing out B2 and iron. It will reduce your cortisol levels Good luck