how can lucid dreams be longer?

I have recently started to lucid dream, but I almost perfected it, but there’s still one issue, a few minutes after I’ve become aware of the dream, I space out, and I forget that I’m in a dream. Is there anyway to stay focused on the dream? Or I simply have to keep reminding myself that I’m in a dream?

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

Well you always have to remind yourself your dreaming :tongue:. I would search the forum, there are tons of threads about this and also look for writercubes method.

While you’re learning this, try activities such as flying or turning invisible (or really anything that you cannot do IRL :wink: ) instead of more mundane activities, such as talking to DC’s, to help remind you that you are dreaming. Also, get into a habit of examining your surroundings - touching the grass, marvelling at the oddities of your dream world, etc. to help stabilize, affirm, and maintain lucidity. Live your dream to the fullest, and constantly RC. :smile:

Attempt to feel your every sense:
Vision: See stuff, try to look as far as you can.
Touch: Try to sense the air when you’re running, maybe there’s something odd about it, maybe there’s no friction at all. Grab that fallen twig, does it feel rough than it usually does? Touch the water in that river, is it cold? Is it warm? Is it water at all?
Hearing: Try to hear the background sounds, maybe birds chirping or machinery humming.
Smell: Take air full of your lungs, how long can you breathe in? Maybe you can smell something?
Taste: Taste EVERYTHING!

Well, try to experience your dream as much as possible, remain in constant knowledge that it is a dream you are habiting.