Sometimes I feel like I don’t write enough details when I recall on my dreams, like if a dream character is wearing clothes do I write every little detail about it or should I just stick to the main stuff like color and style? Basically does it make a diffrence to include such detail when trying to improve recall, or should I just write out the main plot of the dream plus anything I would consider significant?
Write as much as you can, unless you’re pressed for time. When you write down the little things once, you remember them in the next dream, and your awareness will improve greatly
what MagykKatte said
See this for more details.
Thank You for that link! That guide is fantastic! Wish I read it before diving into this journey of Lucid Dreaming. I have no trouble keeping a journal, but writing a good reflective dream journal (as this guide outlines) is well worth it. Thank you once again!
Write the DJ as detailed as possible indeed, don’t be lazy now.
Try to include more and more details every night.
One example I often use is a dream when you’re rding a bike - the first night it may be enough to simply write down that you were riding a bike somewhere, but in later dreams you should also try to describe what the bike looked like, what colour it was, how fast it went etc.
You should treat details in general the same way.