How did you get here?

Meow that I think about it, I really can’t recall how I stumbled upon this site… sheer luck I guess :wink:

Since I was a little kid, I always always always wanted somehow to control my dreams :tongue: I actually thought it was impossible. Ten years later, on a boring day, I googled “controlling dreams”, and you know what happened next :grin:

Actually I was looking on wikipedia about insomnia, and then I saw for the first time expression lucid dreams, then I read about lucid dreaming on wikipedia (… and realized that I had a lucid dream before…), then using google I get here…

I had a gut feeling to search for the ideal forum after having a DILD. :cool:

I was referenced here from a user on FunnyJunk. Someone posted some “tips” on LD’ing, and someone said to Google “ld4all.” Good thing I did. :happy:

first post ever on these forums

I learned about this site after browsing the Minecraft Forums on a topic about Lucid Dreaming.
After trying and failing back in 09, i decided to go to it, got linked to this site. So far loving it.
Going to start my quest into Lucid Dreaming tonight.

welcome Sindiewen :smile: good luck with your Quest for lucidity!

i got to this site because i was looking up the possibility on google of a Water induced lucid dream. cuz earlier i had a lucid dream after drinking water before i went to bed. I clicked on the first link wich apparently was a post from this site!!! i read it then explored the rest of this wonderful website and decided to make an account :happy:

I only found this site through friends. i herd them talking about it, so out came google and here i am :smile:

I was searching up WILD on google, and I clicked on a yahoo answer. Some person said

“Go to LD4all, they have a huge forum of lucid dreaming.”

Like most people it seems, I found the site while searching up things about dreams/LDing a long while back. (but I chose subliminal message from aliens :tongue:) This is definitely the best, most well rounded and complete site I’ve seen on dreaming though, and the community is great. Very glad I found it.

I read about LDing in a magazine (the article was actually based on Inception :tongue: ), I thought, Huh, you can control your dreams?, found a wikibook about it and LD4all was mentioned in relation to the techniques. So I clicked both “link from another side” and “mention in a book” :happy:

(Well, I guess I can safely say I’ve disproved my theory of not posting here much before my first really good LD) :spinning:

I was lurking the off-topic section of the Minecraft forum for whatever reason, and I saw a Lucid Dreaming Topic. It went something like: “Yadda yadda ya, words words words! Check out LD4all!” You know the story. (I did tell you about the space ninjas that attacked my house when I found that topic before, right? :tongue: )

Will this won’t go on the poles but…
My brother was talking about a i-doser thing(whitch dosent work) and I was looking through the tracks and I saw lucid dreaming but I dident know what it was so I googled it and wanted to learn more so I looked and found one website I could learn and stick to and I chose ld4all and can blame it for every lucid dream I have ever had thank you ld4all

I think I found the url to this site through :razz:

I was searching about the REM sleep in the google and found it by chance.

9gag post about lucid dreaming.
Oh dear.

There was a very old website about the game : Left 4 Dead, which the URL was

Haha, good times.

I was on stumbling the paranormal catagory, I didnt even know there was such a thing as lucid dreaming. one of the sites I ended up on talked a little about LDing and had a link to helpful sites, LD4all was one of them. how lucky is that. :grin:

I was looking for information on binaural beats and found a blog with info on them and links to good LD websites which took me here. The blog is called Dreaming to Infinity, its got some cool stuff there.