How did you get here?

i got here throuh a german lucid dreaming forum. Its called kt-forum.

I got here because I was looking for a lucid dreaming forum.

-Lego (Written on November 9, 2017)

It’s a big secret. :shy:

I honestly can’t remember where I first heard of ld4all but chances are good that it was via Dream Views when I first got into lucid years ago.

Someone mentioned it on Discord.

Been here before actually, years back but the account is inactive by now. Trying to dust off my lucid dreaming skills.

Exactly the same ! It’s been more than a decade since I seriously tried and modestly suceeded to have lucid dreams. It’s time again for me I guess, and that’s exciting !

Originally I found about lucid dreaming and ld4all by trying to optimise my sleep and have more awake time to do stuff. This initial goal seems quite dumb to me today :tongue:

I don’t want to force things like that anymore, and that applies to the LD quest too. I want to do this in a more relaxed way, steady work but no pressure about results, enjoy what will come my way, lucidity hopefully !