How did you hear about LD for the first time?

I read Neuropiate’s guide to lucid dreaming on the IGN forums. Then I saw the movie waking life a few months later.

Most of the time yeah, but right now I have really bad bad bad bad LD drought. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. :smile:

A natural LD’er doesn’t mean he/she ALWAYS have a LD every night… he/she can too have LD drought sometimes. :wink:

Somebody on GameFAQs was writing about a freaky dream they had about a game, and I think someone said something insulting. Actually, I remember p osting that I wished my dreams were that cool. :tongue:
Anyway, then someone said something like “Lay off, it’s not like he can control his dreams”
At which point someone mentioned that yes, there WAS a way to do this.

Strange how things come up, eh? Well, go figure, now I’m here after much searching on Google. Oh, Google.

Neo, that is too funny! What a weird way to discover lucid dreaming.

I actually had a few LDs as a child, but since nobody understood me when I tried to explain the whole “knowing that you are dreaming” thing, I never really thought anyone else had experienced it. That was until about 4 months ago when I read an article about it in a magazine. I was instantly hooked and happy that it had a definition.


But this one has a poll. :tongue:
BTW good work on remembering past topics! I noticed you did the same on a different thread. :cool:

I learnt about Lucid Dreaming less than three months ago. The funny thing is, I do not remember how. I remember searching google for “conscious dreaming” at some point :hmmm:

I think I remember, maybe… I was just thinking, out of the blue: “what if I could know that I am dreaming, that would be fun”. And I just used google and found this site :smile:

I became lucid during nightmares when I was a little kid. I always knew what it meant to know when you’re dreaming, but none of my friends or family really “got it”. When I first got the internet, I occasionally thought to myself to look it up and see if there was information about it, but I kept forgetting. Finally, I did one day, and learned it was called “lucid dreaming” and found this very website.

I read a book from Richard Feynman ( a physicist :grrr: ) and he wrote about his interest in dreams and questions like if one dreams in color :happy: Then i got interested in the same thing… i had pretty vivid dreams at that time so i quickly found out that i indeed dreamt in color. Anyways after a short while i wanted to know everything on dreaming. I searched the internet on dream physiology ( at first i wasnt the slightest bit interested in the content ). Then somehow ( :smile:) i found about LDing and then i read ETWOLD… and that was it for me. All that happened three years and 72 LDs ago :smile:


I had LDs as a kid, thought it was normal, but back in those days I didn´t stay cool when having a lucid nightmare, so they were pretty low-level.
I really learned about it after reading in a forum about OBEs


I voted movie, as the reason i heard about LD was from watching vanilla sky, not so long after i seen it, sitting around on internet bored i did a search on lucid dreaming, this was one of the 1st & most helpfull sites i found :smile:

After finding out about it i been persuing my interest in it but not with very promising results in having LD’s;p

Im sure there coming though :content:

yay I strike again!

I had nightmares when I was little and Icould wake up at will if I got scared, but I thought it was ‘normal’ but a few years ago I was watching changing rooms or some such programme and this woman wanted her room done really wierdly, with a mouth chair and upside down things etc. Anyway half way through the show, the host was talking to her about the fact that she could do what she wanted in her dreams, like flying, and she said it was called lucid dreaming, at the time I thought she said lucy dream. I knew it was connected to my nightmares, but thought nothing of it. When I had my first LD, I thought back to the programme and as I thought she said Lucy dream, I got REALLY messed up and thought it was a Polly dream (don’t ask, it sounds ridiculous!) and I searched for it on the web. Obviously I didnt find anything, but when I searched for Lucy, google kindly offered a spelling correction, and gave me LD websites. And here I am!

lol pistgurl…how do you dig up all these ancient threads?

I think i read in a book that it was called “lucid dreaming”, but i’ve had ld’s since I was very young.

I read about it in “Dagens Nyheter” (“Todays News”), the #1 swedish newspaper. There were three full pages about lucid dreaming and about Stephen LaBerge, on the 24, 25 and 26th of august 1998.

It sounded to far out to be true, but i had to try it just in case. We didn’t have internet at home back then, only in school. So i didn’t find out more about it until i had my first LD myself.

I have to re-read these articles now. It’s interesting that it got publicity in such a big newspaper, most people must have found it extremely weird, like me for example :smile:

My friend who was and still is a member of this forum told me about it :smile:


I had a dream once where me and a friend were walking down the street and he asked me what I wanted for Christmas. Christmas had been probably only a week before, and after realizing that I knew I was dreaming. I thought this was funny but didn’t think about it again for a couple years until I thought to google it.

i learned about lucid dreaming from experiencing it naturally

I first learned about it when I ere reading about OOBE, psy-balls and astral projecting and stuff. The only reasin I started to read about LD were beacuse I found it to be a way to achive astral projection. :slight_smile:
But these days I’m more focused on LDing more then AP and OOBE.