How did you hear about LD for the first time?

I posted on Facebook: “One of my recurring dream-themes is being on the Tower of Terror. I don’t know what that says about my mental stability xD” I got some comments from a friend to search dream signs and such, and he suggested to try lucid dreaming to figure out what my SC meant. I did some research and ended up here :content:

Since I can remember, I have been obsessed with the idea of transforming into animals. One day a few years ago (I was around 13 then) when I was Googling stuff about it, I came across LD4all’s animal transformation Quest.

I had a dream as a teen and woke up, only to be confronted with some demon in the room trying to scratch its way through the wall. I sat there in shock, in fear, wondering WTF?
Then I woke up. I never understood fully what happened. I used to wake up and couldn’t move a lot, and it freaked me out. then i visited a forum that spoke of SP and realized what was happening all those years ago. I then discovered that when i had the demon thingy happen, it was a false awakening, and i was still dreaming, even though i was convinced i wasn’t.

my mind tricked me into believing i was under attack by something, now i wonder if life is a dream and another body is asleep somewhere in another bed and i cant find it because i dont know where it is,(if it exsists at all)
LOL. i got the crazes or what?

Sometimes i had a LD but one was so vivid that i have googled dreams and then I read that a dream where you know you are dreaming is called lucid dreaming

I came across binaural beats through meditation. The beats lead me to LD which lead me to Robert Waggoners book. No turning back from there :wiske: