The path for me was rather hard actually, it took me a few weeks to a few months to have my first real lucid dream. When I was a young child I had them, but the I stopped myself having them (long story but the short is one of the lucid dreams scared me as a child and as I didn’t understand I avoid doing it. … funny way to look at it)
The hard part: for me it was WILD- and although I learned to use this later, it is very very hard for me to do. I struggle falling asleep at the best of times, and with aWILD I would not get any sleep at all.
Pros: being a light sleeper, it was easy to recall my dreams upon awakening, and I woke up a lot. That lead to a lot of WB2B methods, which worked in my later skill set, but to start with I kept trying to WILD which did not work. For it was all about DILD, and RC.
The biggest PRO was my desire, and focus. I spent a lot of time on this board, anda lot of time thinking about what it would be like and a lot of energy trying to make it happen. my general goal was a RC every time I looked at my watch and at least one every half an hour.
My first lucid dream came as a shock to me, lasted about…15 seconds, and I could do almost nothing special other than realise it was a dream, I recall changing what was inside a draw (one object to another) which formed part of my RC, and then pushing my hand through a wall.
From that point forwards I was hooked, as I finally understood what it was all about. I forced my consciousness into my dreams and went from LDing once every few weeks, to every few days, then to multiple times a night.
The recall for me was one of the most amazing transformations though. When I first started, it would be about 3 lines of text. At the height of my recall I could write 10 a4 pages in detail. And to this day, when I look over the first few sentences in the journal, it comes back to me in an amazing way, like no other memory. And the better I became at my recall, the better my lucid dreams became, the stronger my desire to proceed and the more emotion I carried with me, which ofcourse fed itself into an amazing experience. Limitless.
Then I stopped trying. For years they would come nightly anyway, then weekly, then my recall faded but I still have them on part. The energy has never really gone away and now I am back, its been about 10 years, funny how things work out.
So in short, focus was key, RC was key and Dream Recall was nothing short of essential. Also learn what doesn’t work for you, and then put your energy into what does until you get good at that, then re focus on other areas, and it will benefit you all around.
Happy Dreaming.