How did YOU learn to LD?

I allready had LD’s when I was younger…
But I didn’t knew they were called Lucid Dreams,
or that there would be people that talked about it :tongue:.

My first LD was all on my own, before I had heard of LDing.
I waisted the entire dream on finding a way out of the dream.
Then I had another useless LD like the one above, but after that I heard a cartoon character on telly (telly is actually a very stupid word) say that you could do what ever you wanted in a dream.
So the next time I knew I was dreaming, I tried to fly of a cliff.
…and fell down into a painfully death.

But later I found this site, and started a dream journal.

The first lucid dream that i can remember having was when i was eight yrs old my sister and i were walking through the desert when a clown came up to us and asked if we wanted an ice cream. I started thinking to myself that it was strange for a clown to be in the desert and then why we were there. I remembered My Ma sayin that you dont get hurt in your dreams and so i bit my lip as hard as i could and felt nothing. Ilooked at the clown and he laughed and i said this is a dream and then woke up. after that it was random for years when i’d have one and when i did i would wake up as soon as i realised it was a dream. Then a couple of years ago i came across this sight and have slowly been getting better and gaining control of my dreams. reality checks are the biggest thing for mei do them all the time all day every day sooner or later i’ll be dreaming when i do one.

Keep up the faith brother.

I think one of the most important things about achieving lucid dreaming is practicing all the time and never giving up or forgetting that you want a lucid dream. This includes always using practice techniques in reality to lucid dream…

When I was younger I sometimes had nightmares in that I knew that I was able to wake up just when I wanted to. When it became too bad, I just woke myself up :content:

My DJ starts at the 20th May 2007, so I’m consciously trying to LD about a month now. I had my first LD just some days ago (24.6.), and the cool thing is that I didn’t do anything but writing down my dreams!

The first and only LD I had yet, was a DILD in that I used the nose RC to become lucid.

Well that was my way to LDs :content:

Best regards,

I was not focused on lucidity but just on dreaming and thus the lucid dreams automatically started to happen. :content:

I had my first LD this winter, I think.

My mom woke me up, and asked if I wanted to go to church. Luckily I said no. Then I thought about controlling my dreams while I fell asleep. “Hm, maybe I should take a RC?” Suddenly I was dreaming, and I knew it.
I was at school, and there were a lot of people running after me, but I just ran really fast, and jumped high. I remember I stretched out my arms and suddenly I was flying like a bird. It was so fun!
That was the first time I stayed lucid. I am sure was talking in sleep!

Splendid, a classic LD. Lucid initiation by a RC based on ‘What if I were dreaming?’ plus flying. :content:

I had my first as a coincidence. I had already heard of LD’s and I wanted to try it out, and I started doing RC’s regularly.

The first time I’ve ever had a LD i was just thinking before sleep: “when I sleep, I’ll know that my dream is a dream, and I’ll be able to do anything, because is MY dream!!!”
I did this for some nigths, I was 8 at the time, and I started trying because I used to saw in movies and cartoons people playing in dreams, so I wanted to try it my way; and after some nights, I finally had my first LD, which I remeber 'till today!!! After that first, it took some years (ok, a lot of years) for my second LD, that was this year, after finding THIS SITE in somewhere…

Well, after all, looks like my first LD was made with WILD, and I didn’t even know that anyone used to do that also!!!

My second one happened after somedays making a lot of RCs, but I was without so much time to think about it, and now I’m “back to business”, trying to have the third one and a lot more!!!

Well I am currently going into night #2 in my quest for lucidity. Night one was rather uneventful, I had no strong recollection of my dreams, other than a feeling that I was with a group of friends trying to solve a problem.

But I recorded down in my dream log and I am ready to have another go at it tonight.

I am trying not to let my excitement get the better of me in the process, because I believe that a have the right mindset to have some great LD once I am more practiced…

So right now I’m going to continue reading on the different techniques, take in any advice from all my fellow dreamers, and I’ll try and keep you updated day to day on how it’s going.

Hmmm, let’s see…
In Dec 2005, I remember having a terrible feeling that something horrid was going to happen in the near future. In Feb 2006 I found a tumor on my right testicle, it turned out to be cancer. I’ve always been pretty intuitive, and sometimes I really feel psychic, :tongue: . I started researching dreams, because at the time my dream recall was near nothing, and I wondered if my dreams were telling me of the impending doom the whole time. Somewhere along the lines I learned about lucid dreaming, checked out a library book on the subject, and thought to myself; this is the perfect thing to learn about and practice while undergoing chemotherapy! The book was reallllllly old school and I can’t even remember the name of it. It’s suggestion for lucid induction was this; during the day, ask yourself, “Am I dreaming or not?” and afterwards, pretend that you are dreaming and try to do things that are not possible IRL. I did this very often during the day. I didn’t know about astral projection at the time, but I ended up doing it twice, not knowing what it was. Since I was on chemotherapy so often, I did the method I learned alot during the day. I went lucid about 3 or 4 times a week after practicing the method for a week and half!

Nowadays, I keep a dream journal, do a nose/hands/finger pull RC often, and of course, ask myself if I’m dreaming alot. I’ve been working on trying to extend my lucid dreams longer than 45 seconds… so far not much luck. The hand rub kinda works, but I seem to have to keep doing it.

Anyways, I hope I’ve helped at least one person. :smile: If anything else, try the first method I learned. Ask yourself, “Am I dreaming or not?” and afterwards pretend your dreaming and try to do things not possible IRL, like fly or telekinesis, etc. That method got me started RIGHT away and made my dream recall rise almost immediately. Good luck all. :grin:

While i am 12 years old.I will have LD almost everynight i slept.But now i hardly able to get even once.

I never knew what LD’s were before someone mentioned them on a Pokemon forum and briefly explained what they were. Then I googled them and found here. Read about the techniques and practiced WBTB. I don’t always wake up to try WILD, but one night I did wake up and went back to sleep after giving up on WILDing and had my 1st LD randomly without any RC’s. Really short, but my first nontheless. Had my 2nd four days later randomly as well.

Seems WBTB is really helping me. :smile:

I also just did it on my own when i was young, i dont remember my first LD. But all of mine have been DILD’s, i have never used WILD’s or WBTB’s. I have tried WILD’s but never gotten them to work. I also rarely use RC’s. I just have the thought “wait, i’m dreaming”, and i just know i am. Sometimes i’d have the problem of waking up right after i realized i was dreaming, but i kinda just taught myself to hang on to the dream, by just concentrating on whatever was going on in my dreaming. Also saying to myself “stay asleep stay asleep” helped, but then i found saying “stay awake stay awake” worked better. Since waking up from your dream feels like your falling a sleep in your dream.

I’ve had a few small lucid dreams, and I’d say they’re a result of my positive attitute towards learning more about lucid dreaming.

Well I have a good dream recall and since I automatically wake up almost every night after 5-6 hours sleep, then I decided to get LD’s through WILD method and it’s working. I got my first induced LD the first night I started to use this technique.

im half of a natural (if that makes ANY sense)

MY first dream that i thought was a LD was like a few days after i learned what lucid dreaming was,but this might not have been a LD at all :confused: Im not sure. I hope this helped you!

I AP ’ ed the first night i read about it.
If you want instant lucidity n00bs, just faithfully read about it for like an hour straight before you sleep and you’ll have an LD.