I’ve read on one of the posts in this site that keeping a DJ not only helps in dream recall but it also helps our chances of becoming lucid in them, is this true ? if it is, how does it help?
It helps because it helps program your brains into seeing dreams as something to pay attention to, and it makes us more aware of our dreams in general. This is important, because otherwise your dreams just kind of are there, you drift through them and you only realize you were dreaming after you wake up. In order to realize that you are dreaming while you’re dreaming, you need to train your mind to pay attention.
Also, by analyzing your dream journal entries, you may start noticing certain recurring elements, and these can serve as dream signs that help you become lucid. So, for example, if you have a lot of dreams about encountering a vampire and make a note of that, it’s possible that the next time you find yourself face to face with one you realize, hey, this sort of thing happens a lot in my dreams, I must be dreaming right now!
In short, we can’t become lucid if we aren’t aware of our dreams and how they differ from reality. That’s why improving dream recall and keeping track of the workings of our subconsciousness are essential.
so actually, maintaining a dream journal is a big part of achieving lucid dreams!? wow, i never thought of it like, i used to think that it was only to improve the vividness of the dream and the rest is up to you to realize that you are in one, Thx!.
Yup, what Kore says
Also, I’d like to redirect you to this: [link]