Usually, when I WILD, it’s night (I skip my REM period when I wake up for the day) and I get a FAILD+WILD. So outside, it’s pretty dark like a nightsky. So how do I change night into day?
you need to know that its YOUR dream you are in control.the best way i must say is WILL POWER
If you want to change the time from day to night…
Step 1. Go into a room with no windows.
Step 2. Look for a clock, either on your arm, or a wall etc.
Step 3. Change the time of the clock by 12 hours or something like that.
Step 4. Be confident about the fact, that you’ve actually changed the time.
Step 5. Go outside
Step 6. You should notice, that the time of the day has changed. If not, you’ve probably failed to do Step 4 correctly.
Step 7. ???
Step 8. Profit!
OFC, this is just an example, you can use your own imagination
I believe that the easiest method of turning night into day / day into night is to start spinning and picture the day light, the sun, the place… Try this!
The Q way… Just walking into a mirror saying "when i walk throught a mirror i will re-appear where i am now (or wherever you want to go) and it will be day-time
In waking life, develop a sunny disposition.
Find a tuning knob in your dream. Could be on a radio, or stereo, the way you move ain’t fair, you know. Hey! Soul sister, ain’t that Mister Mister on the… Sorry, what was I saying? Yes. Tuning knob. Because everything in the dream is connected, that should adjust the brightness/contrast or time passage.
Point at a star and command it to grow until it’s as big as the sun. Alternately, make a beckoning motion with your hand towards the horizon. The sunrise should follow very quickly.
I just remember what everything looks like during the day, and the memory becomes real in a dream. That’s how I do it, but the way you do it might be different.
Last night I succeeded to WILD (I’m so friggin happy) and for some reason I rememvered this topic and decided to try it out. My (o so elegant) technique: I simply yelled at the sky to lighten up. My exact words: Bloody sky, become lighter or I get angry. AREN’T YOU LISTENING UP THERE! yeah, I enjoy the ability to scream out loud while nobody thinks you’re crazy. Actually , screaming randomly at the sky is one of my favourite thing to do in an LD. Besides kissing random guys and flying. OK, back on topic, my screaming madness worked! I thanked the sky afterwards. Stupid me…