well you’re doing better than me already. how do you have an OBE? i wanna try those…but i wanna get more lucid dreams first. if you’ve realized you were dreaming, then you have actually gone lucid. it was low level lucid and very short but that still counts as lucid so good job as for tips on how to stay lucid, i wouldn’t know since i’ve only gone lucid once for like five seconds…
yeah but the whole definition of being lucid is realizing you are dreaming while you are dreaming…and you did that so you went lucid technically. it’s a start you can’t complain really…it’s better than nothing isn’t it?
I think it is often referred to as “lucid moments”.
Anyway, I can´t really give you advice, it´s something that probably happens to almost anyone in here once in a while, but it´ll get less often with time.I think the awakening is due to your exitement, but when you get mroe used to it you´ll manage to stay calm.
I feel your pain I’ve had many-a-time that I’ve realised I was dreaming and not even cared! I sometimes hate my dream mind for not realising how hard I work for LD’s, but if you keep doing what you’re doing pretty soon You’ll get a Ld! Sounds like you’re really really close already! What I do, to TRY and keep LD’s is before I go to sleep, go over what I’m going to do in my dream ‘I’m going to do a RC, find I am dreaming then rub my hands together and yel Increase Lucidity’ and just go over it in your mind. Sounds like your body just isn’t getting the fact that you want to keep your LD’s, so you have to tell it!
i’m no expert at LDing since i’ve only been doing it a little bit longer than you, but to be honest it sounds like you’re trying much too hard. Don’t concentrate on it as much. I read in a book today that you should only say that you want to have an LD to yourself once and then just let yourself fall asleep. you don’t keep repeating it to yourself like i thought…try that. be relaxed about it, give it some time.
hmmm ok this is gonna sound weird but hang on with ur mind. I dont know how many of you are going to think i am crazy buit here goes.
hang on with your mind, just feel the dream and hold onto it, think about you beinging a fishing hook and u latch onto the dream ( strange way to put it, but it was the first thing that came into my mind) just hold onto it, ahh this is 2 hard to explain lol
Hey there. I’ve been a part of these forums since before the Overhaul. For years I have been trying to achieve great skill at LDing and its not easy… or it can be. I think it largely depends on your attitude and energy.
For me I have been growing in skill very gradually. But then I use no tricks or methods other than writing my dreams down every day (well, I have started doing some energy work/meditation as laid out in the book “Astral Dynamics” and I think its actually working by raising my energy level) and thinking about them. I love my dreams. Thats key, I think.
Lately, I seem to be getting “lucid moments,” as Traum called them, a few times a week. AND more often than not more than once in one dream. I will realize that I’m dreaming and test myself out by doing something dreamy like flying or putting my finger through my hand or my hand through something else. Often I will lose my lucidity after a few minutes as I get caught up in whats going on around me. Its difficult to keep that awareness that you are indeed in a dream. Well, it is for me anyway. HOWEVER, in most recent cases I will shake my head after a few moments as though I am clearing out the dream’s voice and again become lucid for a minute or two. Sometimes this happens three or four times during a dream… as though my mind is trying to become lucid.
I have always had trouble keeping lucidity once I have achieved it and sometimes I have trouble clarifying the dream. Sometimes its so clear that I lose lucidity because I begin to doubt that I am actually dreaming. There are a lot of pitfalls. One thing I do know is that as you keep up with it, you are training yourself to recognize your dreams and become lucid. Like any other skill, its most likely not going to develop immediately and you need practice to make it perfect. But you’ll get plenty of it. You sleep every night.
But the thing is FOR ME - RIGHT NOW - its just naturally waking up when I even think I’m in a dream. I have no time to even think about doing anything. I will work on this for as long as I need to - and it will change.