How do I know if I'm in SP?

I feel somewhat stupid for asking this because I have the feeling that I should already know the answer. :eh:

So…Just what the title says: How do I know if my body is paralyzed? Sure, odd question, of course I’m paralyzed when I can’t move my body…But how am I supposed to find that out without trying if I can move my body or not (which would disturb the progress of letting my body fall asleep if I’m not in SP yet) ?

sleep paralize is often acommpanied with HH and HI ,maybe that will make you know that you are in sleep pralize

Some dreamers don’t experience HH that often like myself but there are strange things that you sometimes feel on your body: tingling, floating, rolling over and similar things.

Those are some of the cues that you’re in SP but even that may not comply on you so you need to “force” yourself into learning when you are in SP… Just observer what is happening around you and with your body when you think that you might be in SP!