when i first came on this board and tried LDin i fell into SP. I didnt find it at all scary coz i read a lot about it. But now when i try to SP i cant… I have been trying for a while to SP now but i just cant do it…
the web doesnt explain HOW to SP only to try and stop it…
Any advice?
People usually experience SP while doing WILD (trance induction).
The best way to get SP for me, is to blink so hard in a dream that I wake up. I have heard about people waking up in SP from nightmares, too
Getting into a good SP state is hard for most people (myself included).
Though its about:
- Relaxation
- Concentration
Do some progressive muscle relaxation then lay down on your back in bed. Concentrate on breath awareness, when you inhale imagine all green energy filling your lungs then when you breathe out imagine toxic waste going out.
Hopefully you dont go to sleep. After a while you may feel your body getting heavy and get HH. Look at the HI passively if you get any, then hopefully you’ll get to a more deeper stage of relaxation. Once your in this stage your in a trance and after a while you may get SP.
Theres alot about it on the net you just goto search the right places.
i usually try to think in my mind that i’m getting relaxed and that my body is losing all feeling. I also try to tell my body that that feeling (of no feeling) is perfectly normal and to not be afraid. Then you should feel some parts getting numb and stay calm, and pretty soon you should be very relaxed and essentially, paralyzed.
Just about all of the WILD methods could cause you to experience SP not to mention meditation and self hypnosis. However, my advice to you is, don’t worry about it. Not everyone experiences SP when they do WILD. If you do that is good but, it is not a prerequisite for a successful WILD. You could actually impede your progress waiting for something that may or may not happen. Just worry about doing your WILD technique and don’t worry so much about the things you may experience when you do WILD.
Happy Dreaming
Well you should look out for the kinesthetic sensations (body sensations). At some moment when your deeply relaxed and your mind cuts off sensory input you may feel suffocation because you no longer consciously take care of your breathing its done involuntarily.
Feeling numb is still in a really mild stage of trance. When you get a wave of comfortness pass through your body you’ll know your nearly there.
well the good news is that i got SP last night… but the thing is that i got it after i woke up from an ld (my 2nd ld ever!!)
before i went to sleep i was thinking of something personal and its usually something that enters my dreams… and then tried wild… but fell asleep normaly as i usually do…
but an hour after falling asleep, that thing i thought about. enterd my dream and i knew it was a dream.
things slowly starded to fade and get blurry… I didnt really know what to do next. I didnt know if i was surpose to THINK of a scenery or weather i was surpose to open my eyes??? Could someone anser this for me?
Anyway i tried opening my eyes and it got really blurry. I dint know if my eyes in RL got open or not either… it felt hard to open though… Anyway… something happend and I then found myself in my own room so i tried to fly out of bed. When i did this, i herd a noise that was like passing cars on heavy traffic and going at top speed… i dont know if that noise it normal or not, but it only happend when i tried to fly.
But in real life it was raining and it was raining in my dream too. However i was inside. So i decided to control the weather. I yelled out “Stop raining”. But becuase it was raining in real life and i could still hear the noise of rain in my dream, it didnt work. And that is when my ld faded away.
i then slowly woke up with my eyes closed and i was in SP. it tried to take advantage of my sp but it didnt seam to work so i woke up slowly and had a look at the time…
only an hour had passed since i fell asleep
I’ve had great vivid raining dreams because it was also raining IRL. Its great that you got into SP, are you sure you were?
Taking advantage of SP: There are 2 main things that you could do (as far as i know).
- OOBE/AP/EP/MP etc… (Projecting)
To project try imagining yourself climbing up a rope this will put pressure on your non-physical bodys. Enough pressure will allow you to leave your body and wander the land of dreams.
You could WILD hmm… look at the hypnogogic/hypnopompic hallucinations behind your eye lids, but dont get too caught up. Make sure you have a reasonable level of concentration and awareness. Then slowly your mind will drift off and enter a hopefully LD.
I don’t know if someone mentioned this before, but you have greater chance of falling consciously into SP if you’re really really tired when going to bed. Don’t just fall asleep, but keep your mind awake while repeating a mantra or something. Also, lie on your back while falling asleep.
Because you’re so tired, your body will fall asleep much faster than on normal nights. This then increases the chance of consciously experiencing SP.
I used to reach SP when going to sleep when I first started with LDing. But since then I’ve started focusing on HI so I don’t feel the SP anymore, only if I wake up from a nightmare or something similar. The way I reached SP before was to relax completely and not move at all no matter what (didn’t always work though )
Then after a while I could feel this energy going out in my arms and legs every time I was breathing out. And after a while I was in SP, the only problem is that it takes a very long time to reach SP usually when going to sleep. Probably something like almost 1 hour, or more So that’s why I don’t do it anymore, I usually get HI faster that that.
its possible to fall into sp while listening to music right?
before i go to bed i listen to music and when i do this i start to feel really heavy and difficult to move my joints after a long time…
however the only problem is that i have to turn the music off. So i have to move one hand to do this.
i dont want to desterb anything else though.
i find listening to music very effective when either trying to relax myself at night or to wake me up early in the morning to try WILD’s then. if you want the music to stop without moving, just burn a cd with however many songs you want and it will turn off when its over. i have my own room at college so i just have my computer play 3 or 4 songs as i first go to bed and try to relax myself. i also found a program (“wakeup14” or something) and set it to play a song at like 6 in the morning - this wakes me up but i can remain perfectly still in bed while i try to listen to the song, and then drift back into a WILD after it’s over. at night i always tell myself i’m gonna try really hard to WILD after i’m woken up (after a few hours of sleep), but i’m always too tired to carry through with it. so far i havent gotten annnnyyywwhere close to a WILD, even though i try it as i first go to bed and when i wake up after a couple hours of sleep. my mind drifts like crazy and i just end up falling asleep. well, enough rambling from me, good luck
- lethal laddie
If your going for SP, you can also get some trance mp3s (binaural beats). hmm, i remember finding one at astral pulse if anyones interested.
i sp before sleeping nearly every night n until i came here n found it had a name i thought everyone idid it…