how do i stay in an ld without waking maself up??!!??

i keep gettin 2 excited wen i hav an ld and i wake up its really annoyin can sum1 help me

don’t get excited , after a few LDs you won’t I guess

ya, wen u get excited an when u hav a ld ,u n33d 2 spin


eh, just spin around yourself OR concentrate on your hands, look at details of them. And use english, while writing post. That should help.

if something still can help you

You have to try to suppress the “YAY I AM DREAMING!!! WOHOOOOOO!”-feeling. This is hard at first, but try to be more like: “i am dream woho, i sure am excited…” (in a boring monoton way). :smile:

time. Experience. A Calm mind.

In a lucid dream or two, you will learn to calm down, relax, and enjoy. Just try to take a deep dream breath, and solidify the world around you. You’ll get there.

When you awaken, don’t move or open your eyes. Just lie still and let the dream start up again.

My greatest advice for you would be to just practice. Just keep practicing lucid dreaming, and eventually it wont be THAT big of a deal. Thats not to say lucid dreams are a big deal, but on the other hand, you will have already expereinced them, and thus it will be nothing new. Give it time! :content:

I had like 8-9 of those types of LDs when I was starting out, heck I even had one last month lol.

But eventually you will learn that you gotta put on a poker face, if you get to excited you will wake up and sometimes not be able to get back to sleep the excitement will wake you up!

For me it took probably 5-8 LD’s to control that excitement that usually ruins the dream, IMO I think you just need to get used to it through experience. As a matter of fact I think I’m starting to go the other way; in my latest LD’s I was just like “whoop-de-doo…I’m dreaming…yay.” I think I need to try something bizzare to get back in the mood, maybe I’ll try to leave earth or something.

For me it took probably 5-8 LD’s to control that excitement that usually ruins the dream, IMO I think you just need to get used to it through experience. As a matter of fact I think I’m starting to go the other way; in my latest LD’s I was just like “whoop-de-doo…I’m dreaming…yay.” I think I need to try something bizzare to get back in the mood, maybe I’ll try to leave earth or something.

Avoid thoughts that ground yourself to waking reality. Thinking something like ‘About time I had a lucid dream!’ can be enough to wake you up because you realize that you’re not awake and thus makes you think of real life, waking you up in the process. Next time you realize you’re lucid, just say “oh.” to yourself and treat it as you would your waking state.