How Do LDs Start?

This may seem like a stupid question but i was wondering how a LD starts out. Does it start with you opening your eyes and you see yourself in a strange place or do you find yourself in your bed not even aware that your dreaming?

They start out in all different ways. I go through some examples:

  • You’re having a dream that your on Mars, when you suddenly realise you’re dreaming and become lucid.

  • You’re doing WILD, and as soon as the dream starts, you know you’re dreaming.

  • You’re doing VILD, and you suddenly notice that you’re not visualising it any more - you’re actually in the dream.

  • You’re walking along a beach with a girl, when you remember to take a RC. It passes and you become lucid.

  • You wake up in your bed. You look at the clock, away and back again. The time has changed by two hours. You become lucid.

  • You’re being chased by a dead gazelle, when you suddenly realise that’s stupid and become lucid.

  • You’re in a bus, when you remember your intention to realise you’re dreaming, and become lucid.

  • You’re happily dreaming, when you see one of your DS and become lucid.

Usually, the dream starts of non-lucidly and then you gain lucidity (which can happen all different ways, as I indicated above). But with WILD, you start the dream already lucid.

Hope that helps :smile:.

Theres things that activate your lucid dreams, something that ussally always leads to lucid dream when you see it, for example when i look up at the sky in my dream i ussally start lucid dreaming i’am fairly interested in stars i do like to look at them and i do wonder whats out there this makes me lucid when i look up ussally theres So many stars u can only see touch of black and can see all the planets and systems.

Maybe you might start lucid dreaming when you see i dunno something your interested in :d.

Well in my lucid dream i became lucid with something im not interested in, a monster.

Anyway in that same lucid dream exactly when i became lucid it felt soundless like some kind of soundless boom and then you get excited. I felt like a ghost btw.

wow, never had that…